Training on Dewford island part 2

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So a couple of weeks later Ash was still training i don't know what he was doing training his Pokemon to be calm cool and collected something of that note anyways i training Aron and then I see a Mudkip waking around and i throw a Pokeball at it and boom it was caught. So then I see shadow walking around and then he sees me and asks me to battle him. So then the battle began and he sends out his first Pokemon Treecko and i send out Breloom. So then Shadow tells Treecko to use quick attack and i tell Breloom to use mach punch and boom it hits Treecko right on the head and it also gets flown back. And then it gets back up so then Shadow tells Treecko to use pound and boom it hits Breloom right in the face. So then I tell Breloom to use stun spore and Treecko dodges and hit Breloom with a pound but then i tell Breloom to use Mach punch and boom both Pokemon go down. So then i get out my next Pokemon aron and shadow gets out his next Pokemon zigzagoon An random Pokemon ik lol couldn't think of anything. Anyways  Shadow tells Zigzagoon to use tackle and boom it hits and then i tell Aron to use mud slap and Zigzagoon gets mud in its eyes and i tell Aron to use rock tomb and boom it hits and Zigzagoon goes down. So then Shadow sends out his last Pokemon Wartortle and boom it one shots Aron with a Bubble beam. So then i send out my last Pokemon and i say Charmeleon come on out i am counting on you. So then the fire lizard who should be a dragon comes out of its Pokeball. Anyways so then Shadow tells his Wartortle to use bubble beam and i tell Charmeleon to dodge and use dragon claw and boom it hits Wartortle right in the eye and gets a nasty scar. So then Wartortle uses bubble beam cuz shadow told him to and it one shots Charmeleon. So a couple of minutes later i was sitting in my room and i was saying how did i lose i feel like i let my Pokemon down. Ash"s pov so I saw the battle Savanna had with shadow it was good but i saw something in her eyes idk what it was and then i saw her run off to her room it feels like i should go see her but i want to go swimming with May hmm so then i see Brock coming towards me and he says to me hey Ash what you thinking about?thinking about May? And I nod my head no i was sort of thinking about May but not really. So then Brock says you know Savanna told me that she has been feeling left out of the group Because she feels like that she is slowing everyone down. So i was shocked Charmeleon would have told me but he didn't yet. So then I ask Brock when did she start having these thoughts? And Brock tells me she has been having these thoughts for a couple of weeks. So then i say to him how come she told you but not me and Brock says because Ash you have been training and she didn"t want to bother you with her problems even May tells me that Savanna has become more distant she trains by her self more she goes off to the woods every night to train no one knows why she is training. But there is gotta be a reason and I nod and say i am going to find out. My pov So tonight i am going off to the woods to train again because i want to get everyone approval and show that i can go where ever i want by my self i don't really like traveling with people but i really like these guys but i feel like i am the black sheep. In the group. They have way closer bonds with each other and it feel like i have nothing in common with them at all. Ash"s pov So I see Savanna running off into the woods to train so i crept behind a bush and i hear these things like she has nothing in common and she feels like the black sheep and she feels like she should just leave. An cliffhanger i am mean ikr XD

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