part 53

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So i was sitting near a lake with my Pokemon egg that Riche gave me. So i see Ash walking towards me and he says do you mind if i sit here with you? And i say i don't really care so whats up? And Ash says i need your help its love help. So i smirked and say sure as long it gets you and May to become a couple i am fine with it. So Ash says well you remember when Misty came and i nod and he keeps talking well my old feelings keep fighting with my new feelings for May.

So what should i do? And i say which one is stronger your old feelings for misty? Or your new feelings for May? So Ash thinks for a minute and says my new feelings for May and I say okay when your telling someone your feelings just be yourself don't be a showoff just be yourself and Ash says thanks Savanna and i gave him a thumbs up and say no problem if you ever have love problem just let me know. And he nods and walked back to campsite. So i got up and grabbed my Pokemon egg and went back to the campsite so i sat down on a log with Charizard of course and Riche comes up to me and i see him blushing for some reason and he says hey Savanna want to go on a walk with me? And i say sure lets go Charizard and Charizard nods and gets up and i see Ash running over to us and i am pretty sure i heard Riche mumble crap he's here. So i say sure and i heard Riche growl and sweatdrop so were walking Charizard was beside me and i was talking with Riche and Ash says i heard there was a battle frontier i was wondering do you guys want to come back with me to kanto? And Riche says sure i would love to go back home and i say as long it gets me stronger right Charizard? And she roars so Ash says hey Savanna do you wanna try train treecko i know you train treecko but i wanna help you make it stronger if thats okay? And i say sure so i get out Treecko and Ash gets out Grovyle and both Pokemon start battling until Treecko looked at Grovyle with a glare and started to glow and Riche and Ash say its evolving so Treecko had a leaf sitcking out of its head and then Grovyle's blade thingy start to glow green and Ash says thats leaf blade so the leaf blade hits Ash's Grovyle and Riche says you gotten stronger and Grovyle is less scared of battling and i nod and say i guess when it evolved it must of forgotten its past and realised that it needs to move on and Riche nods.

So Ash says Grovyle use quick attack until Grovyle looked at my Grovyle with hearts in its eyes and Riche says Ash's Grovyle has a crush on Savanna's Until one of Riche's Pokeball starts to shake and another Grovyle comes out and Riche says blader what are you doing out of your pokeball? An Ash's Grovyle and Riche's hate eachother but they don't act like that in front of my Treecko slash grovyle. So Blader looks at my Grovyle and starts blushing and it also had hearts in its eyes and all of us sweat drop even my Grovyle and she walks up to them and puts a claw on there shoulder and does a bullet seed attack and they get out of there zoning state so we all go back to the campsite. And go to bed except for me and Charizard of course and i say to Charizard we are getting stronger step by step and Charizard nods.

So i get Grovyle out and i say to her if you ever need help just ask Charizard she is a female so she will understand that you have a boy problem like a love problem. And Grovyle nods. Next day so all of us were relaxing Brock was cooking Ash May and Max were swimming i had all my Pokemon out except Manectric cuz i couldn't control him yet. and Riche was talking with Brock. So Type Null comes up to me and points at Ash's Grovyle trying to impress my Grovyle and Riche's Grovyle wasn't having any of it and my Grovyle was like get away from me. So i see Charizard going in front of Grovyle to stop the two Grovyles from making my Grovyle feel uncomfortable and Charizard starts growling and Ash and Riche stop what are they are doing to make the Grovyle's stop and it worked so they saw me and said i am so sorry to make your Grovyle feel uncomfortable and i say guys its fine the only person you should be saying sorry too is Grovyle and both if them nod and said sorry to Grovyle a couple of minutes later everyone was back to what they were doing until a giant metal claw grabs me and i see Entei glaring at me and Maxie says this Pokemon will attack you until you give us TYPE NULL ENTEI USE FLAMETHROWER until i heard Ash say Charizard he said while looking at my Charizard let go on your back and i hear Riche say let me help too Zippo lets go so Riche gets Zippo out so Charizard looks at Ash for a second and turns around and looks at Ash one more time and nods so Ash gets on Charizard's back and Riche gets on Zippo's back and Maxie sends out mightyena and Riche says Zippo use flamethrower and the flamethrower hits and Mightyena and bam everything changed the battle scene was change An its like the battlefield in movie 3. So Ash says Entei let her go and it says no i don't care if its right or wrong i will do ANYTHING FOR MASTERS WISHES!!! And Ash says CHARIZARD USE FLAMETHROWER!! So the flamethrower misses and Entei shoots some purple thingy and it hits my Charizard and Ash and they both fall down and i say i can't watch i said while closing my eyes so Riche says Ash!! So Riche tells Zippo to fly as fast as he can until everyone heard Charizard roar and i opened my eyes and Charizard was up with Ash on her back and Ash says Entei LET SAVANNA GO!!! CHARIZARD FLAMETHROWER Ash said while pissed and May says i never seen Ash get mad before and Brock says before Riche came you probably remember this you too Ash was always overprotective of Savanna but lately Ash realized that Savanna can take care of herself and May says oh yeah i remember that and Max says me too. Maxie says you will never make me let Savanna go and Riche and Ash say yes we will LET HER GO!!!!! So i was shaking and Ash says Charizard flamethrower with everything you believe in. Don't hold back so i saw the biggest flamethrower i ever saw a Charizard make and boom it hits and Entei goes down everything gets destroyed and the battle scene was changed back to normal and i fell and Ash says Charizard go so Charizard flew and she caught me and she puts me down and i look around for a second and i look at Ash and i say thanks with a closed eyes smile and i got up and i saw a red orb on the ground and i picked it up and i said guys this is the thing that they used to wake Groudon up.

An hello you were like holy crap she updated on a Monday well i wasn't tired this time about time too i think i am getting used to mondays but i hope you like this anyways tho see you all later byeee

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