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"Which technique can help make students more familiar and comfortable with the assessment process thus enhancing the validity of the score interpretation?" Nick read off the flashcard as I chewed on a piece of popcorn.

"Instruction in generic test-taking skills." I answered and he nodded and placed the card on the back of the deck.

"Which comprehensive individual achievement test battery is available in two parallel forms?"

"Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement." I answered and he smiled.

"Good job, babe." I smiled as he leaned over my body and kissed me.

A few seconds later, my father walks through the front door while pushing a giant box along the wood floor.

"Hey, what are you kids up to?" He asked, stopping for a breath of air.

I sat up slightly and leaned against the arm of the couch, my feet laying on Nick's lap. "Studying for our psychology test. Is that the crib?"

My dad looks down at the box with heavy breaths and sweat dripping down his forehead. "Yes it is. Finally got delivered today."

"Finally! I'm due any day now. We need that crib set up." I rubbed my baby bump exhaustively.

He nodded in agreement.

"I'm making dinner soon. What are you craving tonight?" My dad asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his arm.

I thought for a second. "Spaghetti?"

He smiled and nodded. "Coming right up, princess." He told me before starting to push the box down the hall along the hardwood floor.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Okay, next question."

Nick shook his head with a smile. "You're tired. We're taking a break."

I shook my head. "No no, I'm not tired. I want to be ready for this test."

"Babe, you're on maternity leave. You're not even going to be taking the test for a few months." He reminded me as he set down the stack of flashcards on the coffee table.

"Exactly. I won't have any time after the baby is born so I need to study now." I explained. "Now quiz me"

He chuckled and shook his head. "No, we're taking a break."

I groaned and plopped my head back on the armrest. He set the cards down on the coffee table and pushed my feet off of his lap.

"Take a nap. I'll wake you when dinner is ready." He reached his hand out to me and I reluctantly took it.

"Fine." I told him as he pulled me up from the couch.

I waddled my way up the stairs as Nick went to help my dad with the crib. Walking down the hallway, I felt a strong pulse in my stomach. It felt like a cramp but stronger. I stopped in my tracks and reached my hand out to lean against the wall. Taking a deep breath, shaking my head and praying to whatever higher power to please end these braxton hicks. When I made it to my bedroom, I sat on the edge of my bed and chugged the glass of water I had left over from last night before laying down.

My nap was short lived when I woke up ten minutes later to more cramps. This time it was more painful than any of the other braxton hicks I've experienced before. Anxiety started rushing through my veins.

"Nick!" I yelled, taking deep breaths in between. "Nick!"

Nick came running into the room in a panic. His eyes ran up and down my body, evaluating the urgency of the situation.

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