Chapter Eighteen "Beautiful"

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I wandered away from the group and disappeared into the crowd. There was a trailer sitting in the back of the festival right along the fence. The door was wide open and I noticed amps and empty instrument cases. I presumed the trailer belonged to the band so I figured it would be empty for a while.

Glancing around the corners of the threshold, I confirmed it was empty and stepped inside. There was a couch along the wall in front of me with a wooden table nailed into the floor. Next to the couch was a small kitchen and down the hall was an entrance to what I assumed was a bedroom. I sat down on the couch and held my head in my hands.

I cried in my hands. Embarrassment and disappointment washed over me like a tsunami. My heart ached more with each sob that escaped me.

"Dylan?" A voice call from outside.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs at the threshold. The trailer shook slightly from the new weight. I couldn't look up, but I knew it was Nick. I could feel his eyes staring at me with the same look he's had since he found out I was pregnant. The same empathetic puppy dog eyes that I've grown to stare into.

Weight pressed down the seat spot next to me and a comforting arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"I feel like such an idiot." I choked out and looked up from my hands.

"You're not an idiot." He told me as I sniffed and rubbed my nose.

"My entire life went down the drain when I slept with some stranger. And I honestly believed I could make things right if I found him. But who was I kidding? I'll never find him and now my life is over. I can't believe I was so stupid." I looked over at him to find him staring at me with the very puppy dog eyes.

"Dylan, you are not stupid. Things happen, that's life. Everything happens for a reason. Spring break was a blessing in disguise and one day you'll realize that. From this day forward, your life is going to be drastically different, but everything is going to come together some day and you'll think back to this moment--you crying in this trailer over some guy who didn't bother to get your name either--and laugh at how you had no idea just how amazing your life was going to be." Nick told me as he wiped away the tears falling down my cheeks.

I smiled at his words and he smiled back at me.

"Do you really believe that?" I asked him. My voice was so small I almost sounded like a child with a booboo.

"I really do, Dylan. You're an amazing girl with an amazing life in front of you. And you'll find a guy who wants more than just one night with you. He'll want every night with you." He pushed a strain of my hair behind my ear.

His eyes fell down to my lips for a second. I felt my heart jump and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I found myself getting lost in his eyes again and again and I realized I never want to find my way out,

"I think I already have." I whispered.

I saw his eyes flash with excitement and I knew mine did the same thing. His eyes fell down to my lips again and mine fell to his. There was a moment of hesitation before he leaned towards me. Our lips brushed together and I felt electricity run through my body. I couldn't resist the instinct to press my lips against his. Without skipping a beat, he kissed me back with just as much passion as I did. My hands went up to his cheeks and his to my hips. I craved him more than I've craved anything in my life. I wanted more of him.

My right hand traces a line from his neck and down his torso until I reached the bottom of his shirt. I slid it under his shirt and I pulled gently on the top of his jeans. I pulled my lips off of him and he looked at me hungrily.

"I want you." I whispered and his eyes flashed again.

"Are you sure?" He asked me and I smiled.


He smiled at me before he kissed me again. I accepted him hungrily and his hands fell down to my butt. He lifted me up off the couch and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He carried me to the back room and laid my down gently on the bed. He stood up straight and stared down at me as he pulled his shirt off over his head.

I smiled at him and he smiled back before he learned down and started kissing my neck. I instinctively moaned out as he bit down gently on my skin. His hands went under my shirt and caressed my skin. He sat up slightly so I could pull my shirt off over my head.

He admired my topless body for a moment before he went back to my neck. He left soft kisses on my skin before making a trail down from my neck to my stomach. I shivered with excitement as he tugged on the hem of my jeans. He looked up at me for permission and I nodded.

He slowly pulled my jeans down my legs and I kicked off my shoes so he could pull them off. He came back up to me and kissed me hungrily. I ran my fingers through his hair and he bit down softly on my lip. His fingers went up to my bra strap and slowly pulled it down off my shoulder.

His lips found their way back to my neck and I gasped for air as my skin tingled all over from his touch.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

My heart stopped as my mind flooded with a memory I had buried so deep in my mind.

I layed down on the backseat of his car and he crawled on top of me with hunger. His lips attacked my neck and I moaned out with pleasure.

The festival music played loud behind us and people walked by the car but I was too drunk to care if they saw us or not.

His lips went up to my ear and he nibbled on my earlobe gently as he whispered:

"You're so beautiful."

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