Chapter Seven "Jeff's Auto-Shop"

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"How much longer? I think my legs are going to give out." Owen complained for the fifth time in the last minute.

"For the last time, Owen, I don't know." Nick rubbed his temples and I rolled my eyes.

We had been walking for at least four hours. My legs were burning and I was sweating like a pig. We were in the middle of no-where, the only thing around us was mountains and desert. It was kind of beautiful if we're being honest, but my mood was too low to appreciate it. The sun was setting behind us, creating a yellow glow around our shadows.

"I'm tired." Abby groaned and Owen scoffed.

"You're not even walking!" He exclaimed since Abby forced him to give her a piggy-back ride for the last ten minutes.

"I was walking for like three hours before so I'm allowed to be tired." She tells us and I roll my eyes.

I was tired and hungry, more so than I've ever been before. I so desperately wanted to lay down and take a nap. I couldn't go another hour of walking along the side of the road where a car hasn't passed us in three hours. My shoes new looking color was destroyed by the sand and I hated myself for deciding wearing new shoes to the desert. In all fairness, though, I never expected to actually be in the desert.

"Guys, I need to sit down for a second." I announce, slowing down my pace.

The other turned around to look at me as I sit down on the ground. I knew my black jeans were now covered in sand, but I didn't care, it felt so good to bend my legs.

"Dylan, are you good?" Abby asked me intently, hopping off of Owen's back.

I knew why she was asking; a pregnant girl walking for four hours straight without food and water probably wasn't the healthiest thing ever.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I shake my head, closing my heavy eyes.

I just needed a break. Just a few minutes to relax with my eyes closed. That's all I need and I'll be able to keep going.

~ ~ ~

I woke up to my body moving. At first, I couldn't remember where I was and why my bed was moving. But soon all the memories of the past day came flooding back and I remembered I had been sitting when I feel asleep.

"I think she's asleep." I remember Abby's voice echoing in my head. "We shouldn't wake her up, she needs to rest."

"But if we keep going, we'll be able to make it before the sun is gone." Owen's voice said.

"I'll carry her." Nick's voice jumped in.

"You think you can do it? It's a long walk and it's harder to carry someone who's asleep than awake." Abby's voice questioned.

"Yeah, I can do it." Nick's voice replied and I felt my body lift off the ground.

Now, I stirred awake and peeled my eyes open to see that it was darker than it was before. A sweet smell filled my nose and I smiled. It was Nick's cologne. Peppermint. I always loved how he smelled and now I got a nose full of it as he carried me bridal style.

I could hear Owen and Abby bickering about something next to us, but I was still groggy from my nap so I didn't care. It was chilly out now and a shiver went down my spine.

"You're awake." I turn my head to look up at Nick, who was smiling down at me.

"Uh yeah, where are we?" I had asked.

"We're almost at the auto-shop. It should only be five minutes from now." I nod.

"Okay," I said. "You can put me down if you want, I can walk."

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