Chapter Four "Six Weeks Ago"

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Finals were officially over.

Nick and I had studied --more or less-- until the sun went down last night. By the end of the night, I thought my brain would explode with facts that I will probably never use again.

Today is the day after finals and everyone was getting an email with their results. The whole campus was filled with anxiety and anticipation.

Abby and I were just laying on our beds, scrolling through our phones casually when Owen almost knocked our door off the hinges.

"The results!" He yells, making the two of us almost drop our phones on our faces. "They're posted!"

"No way, already?" Abby sprang up straight, her eyes wide and Owen ran to sit on the floor in between us.

"Yeah! Check your emails."

I sat up straight and opened my emails through my phone. Sure enough, I had an unread email titled Final Grade. My heart sped up it's pace and I tapped on it. As I expected, I passed all my other courses with a high B, but my psychology final is what I was most worried about.

I scroll all the way down and see PHYCOLOGY: B-

"Yes!" I cheered. "I passed!"

"So did I!" Abby flipped her hair over her shoulder with confidence.

"Obviously I did too." Owen told us and I rolled my eyes. "Now we can officially start packing for our trip!"

My heart suddenly sank. I had forgotten about the reason we were taking this trip. I was so caught up with finals and Nick's beautiful eyes, I didn't even think about it.

The thought made my stomach do a flip.

"Oh God, are you going to throw up again, Dylan? You look sick." Owen questioned, making me look up from the stain on the floor I didn't realize I was staring at.

"No, I'm good." I shake my head to assure them.

"That reminds me, I made an appointment for you." Abby told me as she reaches under her bed to grab her suitcase.

"Appointment for what?"

"For the b-a-b-y," Abby whispered when she realized our door was slightly a jar from when Owen came bursting in. "Obviously."

"Oh." I hadn't even thought about doctor appointments. How was I going to be able to afford that? "Wait, I can't pay for that."

"I'm paying for it." Owen intervened as he stood up and closed the door.

"No, Owen, I can't let you-"

"Shut up, Dylan, I'm paying for it and I'm not taking no for an answer. Making sure that the baby is healthy is the most important thing right now." He told me as he sat back down.

I bite my lip and rub my hands over my face. I was stressed, indeed. There were so many things to think about and I hadn't even thought about the well-being of my own baby. All I can think about is my own selfish desires.

Great way to start off motherhood.

"Get dressed, your appointment is in half an hour." Abby told me as she started to take her clothes from her dresser and put them in her suitcase.

~ ~ ~

My mind was anything but focused on the drive to the doctors. I drifted to thought after thought: How am I going to afford everything? Will I have to drop out? Will I have to move back in with my dad? What if we find the guy, and he wants nothing to do with me? What if we find him and he doesn't even remember me? What if we don't find him?

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