Chapter One "Tummy Ache"

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"Blah." My breakfast, a single piece of toast with strawberry jam speared perfectly on it, spewed out of my mouth and into the toilet.

My stomach convulsed, pushing more almost digested food back up my throat. It was warm and tasted like...well, vomit. When I thought I was done, I pushed myself away from the toilet, only to feel my mouth salivate again. I throw my face back into the bowl and throw up again.

I rarely ever got sick. I think I've only ever been sick twice in my life, and that was because Rebecca Woods sneezed on me in second grade. And again in fifth grade.

Throwing up was a foreign concept to me, which is why it's very concerning that I'm doing it right now. There's no way I'm sick, I can't be. I don't feel ill at all. Maybe a little tired, but finals are tomorrow so I've been up for a few days now.

I flush the toilet and walk out of the stall.

A few girls in the bathroom shot me disgusted and confused looks, but I ignored them. I never cared for unwanted opinions from strangers.

Abigail Pittman, my best friend since freshman year of high school, was standing next to the door, her shoulder pressed against the wall and her phone sitting in her hand. Her crimson red hair she had dyed hung over her face as she looked down. When she looked up, her blue eyes flashed when they saw me.

"Are you okay?" She asked me and I nodded, rolling up my sleeves before I turn on the sink.

"I think just ate something bad." I pump soap into my palm and smear it between my fingers, making sure to get off all the germs I just picked up from the floor.

"Maybe it was that sushi we got the other day. I told you that place seemed sketchy."

I chuckled as I grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser, drying off my wet hands. As I threw it away, Abby handed me a stick of gum. I smiled at her as a thank you and stuck it in my mouth.

"Probably." I shrugged.

I pushed open the door and we walked down the hallway abreast with each other. The gum, I had just learned as I chewed it, was spearmint.

Our dorm room door was left wide open, since I had ran for the communal bathrooms in order to keep myself from throwing up all over the floor.

"Let's just hope no one robbed us." Abby half joked.

Our university didn't have the best track record, so it wouldn't be a surprise if someone stole our laptops in the two minutes we were gone.

"What time is your next class?" Abby asked me as she dropped her body on her office chair.

It sat next to the white wooden desk we had bought at Ikea when we first moved in just nine months ago. Her laptop sat on it, along with some textbooks and pencils.

My desk was right across the room from hers, which was the same desk only black. My macbook was still sitting on it, thank God.

I walked over to my desk and flip over my phone that I had left sitting there in my hurry to the toilet. My heart dropped when I saw the time.

"Jesus, in like five minutes!" I exclaim, turning around to look for my backpack.

Where had I put it this time?

"Hola chicas!" Abby and I both turn towards the door and see Owen Nixon standing in the doorway,

Owen had been our mutual friend since sophomore year when he moved to our high school in October. The three of us had been inseparable ever since. We almost shit ourselves when we found out we all got into the same college.

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