Chapter Eleven "Say You Like Me"

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"So, what happened between you and the mechanic?" I look at Abby through the rearview mirror and she wags her eyebrows up and down suggestively.

I scoff. "Bite me, Abby. He's the most conceited guy I've ever met. I'd rather drink boiling hot water than be alone with him one more time."

"That's the start of every romance novel. You've got to admit: he's hella hot." Abby bit her lip and sat back against the seat.

"Yeah, if you're into 'bad boys'." Nick shakes his head, his eyes set on the road in front of him.

"Believe me, Dylan is into bad boys. Once, in high school-"

"I don't think anyone needs to hear that story, Abby." I cut her off before she could finish and she smirked.

"Oh, I remember that guy." Owen chimed in, squinting his eyes at the setting sunlight. "The mechanic actually reminded me a lot of him."

I slam my head back on the headrest to my seat.

"Bad boys, huh?" Nick asked in a low voice so the other's couldn't hear.

"Well, you know, good boys are just as nice." I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly but my cheeks were flushed hot.

The corner of his lips turned up into a smile. "Good to know." He glanced at me for a second, but I pretended I wasn't staring.

"And he fixed this car in like twenty minutes? He's a motherfucking hero." Owen nodded at Abby's statement.

"Would y'all shut up about the hot mechanic? Maybe we should figure out what to do once we get to Vegas. No money, remember?"

"Don't worry, I prepaid for a room. All we need to do is check-in." Owen told us and I let out a breath of relief.

The thought of finally getting a hot shower and sleeping in a real bed made my heart flutter in ways I couldn't describe. At least from there we'll be able to figure out what to do about getting money.

~ ~ ~

The sun had completely fell behind the horizon by the time we actually made it to Vegas. Without a GPS, we were kind of just driving around aimlessly like chickens with our heads cut off. Owen and Abby argue about which way to turn everytime the road forked off, but Nick and I never listened to them. He went the way his gut told him and it ended up working in the end. I determined it was about eight in the evening when we pulled up to the hotel. Nick parked the car on the side of the road in front of the building and the four of us stepped out.

"Finally, civilization!" Abby cheered as she basically threw herself out of the car. I thought she was about to go around kissing the cheeks of strangers.

"Shut up, Abby! My head is pounding and your annoying voice isn't helping. It sounds like a fucking pterodactyl screeching." Owen rubbed his temples, his eyes squinting at the bright lights the city around us shone.

"You know what, Owen. I apologized for giving you a concussion, but honestly, what do you want from me? I can't reverse time." She placed her hands on her hips, walking around the car to Owen.

"And thank God for that because you'd somehow fuck that up too." Abby gasped.

"Both of you need to stop bickering before I cut your tongues off." I interpose between them, my hand reached out towards the other in an attempt to halt them.

"You know what, Owen, you're an ass." Abby provoked, taking a step back from my hand. People walking by were staring at us.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm an ass? Oh yeah, I just love having brain damage because my friend decided to be a prick and scare me into waking up. Maybe if you thought things through a little more, we wouldn't be here right now with no fucking money."

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