Chapter Three "Vegas Vacay"

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"Fuck!" I heard Abby yell as the vomit just kept coming up, spewing into the trash can. "Dylan, are you okay?"

I didn't even get a break to answer her, my stomach kept squeezing up the only bit of food I had left in my body.

It felt as if my world had flipped upside down, and I didn't know how to get right side up. My head was spinning like a carousel at a carnival and my whole body felt like it was on fire. I sobbed between each gasp, hot tears falling out of my eyes. I felt Abby's cold hands pull my hair back out of my face and tie it messily into a bun.

"I'm going to go get you a ginger ale from the vending machine, okay? I'll be back in two seconds." She told me before sprinting out of our dorm.

I laid my head on the rim of the trashcan, gasping for air. It felt like my stomach was turning inside out. The smell was revolting, but I didn't have the energy to move. I was so tired, physically and emotionally.

The door opened just a minute later and I heard Abby take a seat on the floor next to me.

"Here, drink this. The chick next door had crackers sitting on her desk so I asked her if I could take them."

I look up from the trashcan and see a green bottle of Canada Dry ginger ale and a brown vertical bag stacked with crackers.

"I can't eat." I shake my head as I twist the cap off the ginger ale.

I took a sip of the bubbling liquid and winced as the fizz went down my throat.

"Yeah, well you're going to have to." She shoved the package in my right hand.

There was silence between us as I ripped open the packaging and ate a few crackers.

"What are you going to do?" Abby asked quietly, as if afraid I'll start vomiting again.

I felt tears stinging in my eyes and shrug lazily.

"The hell if I know." My voice wobbled through a sob, a tear running down my cheek.

She looked at me, her eyes full of sadness for me. Not pity, no. She knew I hated that. More like, she saw how messed up I was and she hated it.

"Who's the dad?" She asked me, and I looked up from my crackers in a shock.

I had never even thought about it. I was consumed by the fact that I was carrying a human being, that I didn't even think about how I ended up in this position.

When I didn't answer, her eyes grew wide.

"Dylan," She started slowly. "You know who the father is, right?"

I look around our dorm as if I'll find something with an answer on it. In honesty, I had no idea who the father was.

"I-...I don't remember."

Abby's hand flew up to her mouth, her jaw dropping.

"Dylan, no!" She said in a gasp of shock.

"Oh my God, I'm such a slut." I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment, my cheeks flaring with heat.

"No, no you're not." Abby assured me. "Don't slut shame yourself."

"But it's true!" I move my hands down to cover my mouth. "I can't even remember who knocked me up! Oh God-"

"Look, we're going to figure this out. I'll help you remember." Abby adjusted her position on the floor. "When was the last time you had sex?"

I thought about it for a second.

"Oh no-"

"What? What is it?" Abby's eyes dashed between mine in anticipation.

"Jesus fuck -- it was spring break." I throw my face in my hands in aggravation at myself.

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