Chapter Thirteen "Lovers Not Fighters"

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I wandered around the city of Las Vegas for what felt like hours but without a phone, I had no idea how long it actually was. I was catcalled by some passing drunks walking out of a strip club. I shuddered and walked faster before one of them could touch me.

Tears rolled down my face with a I wiped them away with the back of my hand. My arms were crossed over each other to break the slight wind that flew around the night. My heart hung heavy with guilt. It felt so heavy it was hard to breath sometimes. All I could think about was Nick's face -- how hurt he'd been. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care. I just needed to get away from the others.

Police sirens and the faint cheers from passing bars echoed in the distance. I caught myself before I stepped on a suspicious needle laying on the sidewalk and kicked it to the side. My feet throbbed around the arch and I felt considerably nauseous. Hunger twisted in my stomach and I was frightened I would throw up the breakfast that kind couple bought us this morning.

Across the street, I noticed a couple sitting on a bus bench. There was a stroller between them. A baby sat inside it. They giggled and kicked the air, a wide smile on their face. The couple were talking. I was too far away to hear, but their facial expressions told me it wasn't a pleasant conversation. The women suddenly stood up and walked away down the street. She crossed her arms over her chest and stomped away. Just as quickly, the baby started to scream. It was a loud wail that I could hear from where I was standing. The man picked up the baby and held them close to him, but the baby kept crying.

I shook my head and looked away. Inhaling a deep breath, I kept walking.

I heard the sound of dazed laughing bounced off the walls of the brick building I was walking past. Over my shoulder I saw two grown men walking sloppily down the sidewalk just a few feet away from me. They each were holding glass bottles of what I could only assume was alcohol. One of them looked up and we connected eyes. He patted his friend's shoulder and I sped up my walking.

"Hey, you! You lost, little lady?" A voice called out, each word slurring more when he spoke. Synchronized laughing soon followed.

I started walking faster when their footfalls got louder. There was a gap between the buildings and I quickly ducked inside. There was an exit on the other side of the building so I took it. But when I was only a few feet away, two different guys appeared. I stumbled back, my pulse quickening. With trembling legs, I turned around to see the two guys from before closing in on me. They had lopsided smiles on their faces.

"Ain't she a pretty thing." One of the new guys said, each of them getting closer and closer to me. One of them tossed an empty bottle on the ground. It clattered on the pavement, but never shattered.

"Why'd you run away, baby?" One of the old guys asked me rhetorically. "We're only looking for some fun."

I reversed up all the way until my back hit the cool brick of one of the buildings we were in between. My chest rose and fell rapidly with each breath I inhaled. The men crowded around me and I could smell the weed and booze reeking off of them.

"You like to have fun, right?" One of them asked and the others laughed.

"I call taking her first." Another one called out.

He approached me, his nose almost touching mine. I inhaled deeply and held it there, not wanting to smell his odor. He had stubble on his chin and his blue eyes were dilated like moons. He looked me up and down, grabbing at strands of my hair.

"Can't be much older than twenty, ain't you?" He smiled a crooked smile. His teeth were black and molding. I could tell he has been smoking for over a decade. "Got a boyfriend?"

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