Chapter Nineteen "Saved"

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"Abby!" I screamed through the music.

Nick followed behind me as I ran through the crowd of people. My eyes scanned through the entire festival of people for a familiar face.

I saw Owen standing by the entrance with Abby and my heart jumped with excitement. I grabbed Nick's hand and we ran towards them.

"Abby!" I screamed again and she turned around.

Her eyes lit up. "Oh my God, there you are. We've been looking for you everywhere. Nick said he'd go talk to you but when he didn't come back we got worried."

"Where were you guys?" Owen asked.

Nick and I shared a knowing glance and we both instinctively smiled.

"Wait a second. Messy hair, swollen lips, heavy breathing. Did you guys have sex?" Abby gasped with wide eyes.

"Oh my God, they totally did!" Owen squealed and I noticed Nick's face turning red.

"That's not the important part of what happened." I told her and Owen and Abby glanced at each other.

"What happened?" She asked curiously.

"I know who the father is. I remember!"

Abby and Owen's mouths drop open. They looked at each other flabbergasted but with smiles.

"Who is it?" They said in unison.

Before I could answer their question, police sirens started wailing. We all looked through the fence and saw three cop cars zooming towards us. The band stopped playing and everyone turned to watch the scene unfold.

The cop cars pulled into the parking lot and someone got out of the car and started running towards us. I squinted through the headlights and recognized him.

"Dad?" I asked as he ran into me with a hug.

"Dylan! I'm so glad you're okay." He told me as he squeezed me tightly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and he pulled away.

"When you didn't answer any of my call or texts for days I got worried. I hopped on a flight to Vegas and contacted he police. They traced your phone to some random guy and they arrested him for theft. About an hour ago the police got a tip saying someone saw you here so we came as fast as we could. What happened?"

"Dad, I'm so happy you're here." I hugged him again. "We got on the wrong flight and ended up in Reno and then our stuff got stolen at the airport."

When I pulled away from him, Nick cleared his throat.

He smiled at me awkwardly.

"Dad, this is Nick." I introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you, sir." He reached out his hand and my dad shook it.

"This is Nick? My daughters has told me so much about you."

"Dad, stop." I hit him on the shoulder and my dad pressed his lips together and mouthed 'sorry'.

"You've talked about me?" Nick asked and I rolled my eyes.

"It's nice to see you again, Mr Freeman." Abby said and Owen waved.

"It's nice to see you guys too. Your parents are worried sick. I suggest you use my phone to call them and let them know you're okay."

Owen and Abby nod their heads and my dad pulls out his phone and hands it to them.

"The last few days have been the craziest. I can't wait to tell you all about it. It's a long story." I told my dad.

He smiled and hugged me again. "Good thing we have the entire plane ride home to talk about it."

"Sounds good. But there's something I have to do before we leave." I told him and he nodded.

"Let's get you back to the hotel. We'll order room service and you all can get a nice shower." My dad said as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"That sounds amazing." I told him as we walked over to the police cars.

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