Chapter Fifteen "Deep Rooted Memories"

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We approached a small brick building on the corner of the street. Cars and people bustled around us as we stood on the sidewalk, staring up at the structure before us. I looked down at the card in my hand and then back at the building to confirm we had the right address.

"This is it." Abby stated matter of factly.

"I don't think this is a good idea anymore." I said and the three of them turned to me.

"This is our last option, Dylan. If you don't do this, I don't know how else you're going to find him." Abby told me with concerned eyes.

"You know how I feel about psychics so do it or don't, doesn't matter to me. We're going to be in the same boat, anyways." Owen said, rubbing his temple.

"Okay, one-" Abby started with wide eyes at Owen. "This isn't a psychic, nim-rod. It's a hypnotist. And two, hypnotherapy is a real science and it's been proven to help with memory loss and mental illnesses."

Owen blinked at her. "Oh. Then you have to do it, Dylan." He continued to rub his temple. "You think she can cure my pounding headache?"

Abby rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Nick bent down a little to whisper in my eyes.

I shivered and turned to look at him. His eyebrows were furrowed and his pupils dilated,

"If I go in there, everything becomes real. I thought being back in Vegas would do it, but it still hasn't hit me yet; being pregnant. And when I walk out, everything will change." I told him with a frail voice.

His fingers brushed against mine before they interlocked. He squeezed my hand and smiled down at me.

"Everything is going to be okay, Dylan. Because you have great friends that aren't going anywhere. You're not alone and never will be." He told me with such softness yet confidently.

My stomach swarmed with butterflies and I smiled.

"Okay." I breathed. "Let's go in."

I looked between Owen, Abby, and then Nick, before I led the way to the door. We walked into a small room. It had tile floors and white walls. There was a desk sitting in the middle of the room and a lady sat behind it. We walked over to her and she looked up with a smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked kindly.

"Do you take walk-ins by chance?" I asked.

"Yes! And you're just in luck because our last appointment just ended." She asked me for personal information like my name and address while she typed it into the computer. "All right, let's head back. Your friends can come too, if that makes you more comfortable."

She stood up from the desk and the four of us followed her down a hallway until we reached a door at the end. The room had grass green walls and white curtains on the windows. There were shelves in the corner that displayed little knick-knacks. Above that were certificates and diplomas. There were three wood chairs with blue throw pillows on them and another arm chair in the corner. Opposite, there was a black leather chair that looked like the ones I sit in to get a pedicure. The lady sat in the arm chair and told me to take a seat in the leather one.

"My name is Dr. Crider. Is this your first time being hypnotised?" She asked as she reached down next to the chair and pulled out a plastic black box.

"Yeah, I'm kind of nervous." I chuckled nervously as I rustled around in the chair.

"Don't be! This is supposed to be as relaxing as possible. Just sit however is most comfortable for you, okay?" She told me with a kind voice and I smiled politely.

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