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Mateo Haynes

           Currently the boys and I were in the back of a black Lexus. Giovanni's driver is driving us to the venue. We arrived at the house last night, it was well kept. The maid had went grocery shopping and had put everything in place for our arrival. She made sure to have a delicious dinner with special requests from the boys prepared for us last night and this morning Dontaé and Luca wanted to help her make breakfast.

She didn't want them to; saying it was her job, but I informed her that it was alright. I remember watching them laugh while stealing the cheese that was meant to go on the pizza they were making, since pizza was what they wanted for breakfast.

I even overheard Luca telling Dontaé that 'Eka' thought him to make it and that Dontaé will love her once he meets her. He didn't forget to mention Anika's dog.

Now that I think about it, having Anika babysit Luca wasn't the brightest idea. He already seemed attached and it will only break his little heart when she is no longer apart of his life. I'm not so convinced that Raymond will take my job offer. If he doesn't she might move with him and who knows what the future holds.

            As soon as we step from the car I look over at the two boys. Luca was playing with a toy car and Dontaé was finishing a facetime call with his mother. The three of us was dressed in similar black designer tux. Dontaé hair curly yet decent and Luca's was styled similar to mine.

I felt like a proud father as I told them to follow close to me. We made our way towards the building. It was a beach wedding, but the inside was busy with workers. The caterers all over the place, family and friends making their way to the beach and  children running around while their parents tired to control them.

I look down at the two boys who were thankfully well behaved.

"Mateo my darling."

I watch as Aunty M makes her way towards me. She look great in her long peach gown. As soon as she got closer she pull me in a hug while going on about how handsome I am and how proud my mother would be. That's one thing with my Aunt Martha, after what happened to my mother she took me in like I was her own. I didn't have anything against Uncle Hakeem other than the fact that he is the brother of the man who murdered my mother.

I didn't even get the chance to answer her as she start hugging the boys.

"He looks just like you when you were his age, Mateo," She says after pulling away from hugging Dontaé. "I'm your aunt Martha, sweetheart and I am so happy to finally meet you."

Dontaé smiles, "Likewise aunty."

Aunty M coos as if he's a newborn. "He is polite too."

"Another thing he got from me," I reply smugly.

"I have to take him to meet the rest of the family. Luca honey, do you want to come with us?"

Luca shakes his head no at his Aunt and grab a hold of my hand. I smile down at him.

After Aunt promise to see us later Luca and I make our way up to see Gio.

                "You're favourite cousin and best man has arrived." I announced my presence without even knocking on the door.

Bentley and Gio's friend Leo was also in the room.

"I still don't get why he chose you as his best man," Bentley says before throwing Gio's bow tye at him.

"Relax big brother, it's like we planned when we were kids and you got to be best man twice for Mat," Gio told Bent.

"Whatever man."

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