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Anika Vargas

              I sat in the chair shuffling around uncomfortably, regretting my little confession to my sisters. If it wasn't for Akira tremendous persuading skills then I would have been home in bed with Lola curled up by my side watching sentimental old time romance movies.

Instead I am seated in a restaurant waiting for my date while the waiter keeps coming over and giving me pity looks whenever I tell him I'm waiting for someone.

I check my watch to see that it is twenty four minutes past seven. Raymond agreed to meet me here at seven pm and me being the punctual person I am had showed up ten minutes before seven. It was a good thing I had decided to wait outside and not enter the restaurant until it was exactly seven pm.

Two more minutes past and I grab my purse before standing up. I am a bit upset that he did not show up. I spend literally one hour taming my hair in order for it to be in a neat enough bun and by the time I was finish my arms felt as if I had been lifting weights.

I ignore the looks from the people in the restaurant as I made my way out. After the valet got my car I made a move to get in; but stop abruptly when the voice of a man called my name.

Raymond stood a few feet away looking as if he had ran a marathon to get here. I stood looking at him as he walk closer.

"I apologize for being late you would not believe what happen on my way here."

"Did you run all the way here?" I ask in disbelief.

His chestnut hair was resting on his forehead drench in what I assume is sweat and his white shirt look a bit soiled and wrinkled.

He gives a small smile and tilt his head to the side in a cute boyish way, "Not entirely."

I glance back at the valet who was asking me to move my car.

"Why don't you get in, I'll drive you back to your hotel and you can try to convince me why I should give you a second chance," I told Raymond who seem relief by my words.

He hurried to the car and as soon as the door close I drove off.

"Once again Anika I'm extremely sorry," His thick accent fill the car. I couldn't help it; I glance at him to see that he is looking at me.

"Continue," I told him while trying to hide how nervous I am.

With an accent like that I'll probably forgive him even if his excuse is horrible.

"I had a meeting with my boss and lost tract of time. I wanted to call you to explain, but then I realize my battery was dead and right after the damn rental broke down." Misery and irritation could be heard in his voice.

Suddenly I felt guilty for assuming he stood me up. "I'm sorry Raymond it sounded like you had a bad day."

"It certainly was," he agree.

            He told me which hotel he was staying in and I drove him there and waited in the kitchen of his suite for him to have a shower and get ready. I told him that he didn't have to take me anywhere and that he should rest but he insisted on taking me for at least a drink to help make up for being late.

Currently I am sitting across from Raymond in the hotel's restaurant sipping on red wine while he tell me a little about himself. He has an older brother who is married with two daughters and a older sister who is a single mom to a one year old girl. He is twenty nine and talks a lot about his mother which I find a bit cute.

"Now tell me hermosa, who is Anika Vargas?"

Telling him that my surname is actually Haynes and having to explain that I was married before didn't seem like the best thing to talk about on a first date so I went with the better option.

"Hmm, I'm twenty four with two sisters Akira and Alana. I'm from New York where my parents live; they have a cafe that they name after my sisters and I; Triple A cafe. I'm a dog mom and Aunt of the most adorable baby boy."

Raymond nod with a small smile on his face, his dark brown eyes stare at me making me shuffle around anxiously in my chair.

"That's interesting and quite a coincidence," He says with an attentive expression.

"And why is that?" I ask eying him.

"My boss made me stop there earlier to get him some pastries. He wouldn't have me purchase them anywhere else."

I wonder who his boss is and if he was his errand boy, but instead I give him a smile and told him. "Not to sound bias but we are the best; no wonder your boss can't resist."

He chuckles, "I must admit the chocolate macaroons are heavenly."

I raise my glass in the air with a huge smile. "What can I say, everything my mom puts her love in becomes heavenly."

Raymond raise his glass to his lips,"I can tell."

"Tell me Anika will I have the honor of taking you on a second date; hopefully somewhere more deserving for a woman like yourself?"

I blush at his words. He is really sweet, easy on the eyes and his accent could melt the north pole. I can't say I regret going out with him.

"I don't see why not."

I watch as his soft looking lips breaks away in a smile, "That sounds like music to my ears. Tell me; is there a reason why you moved here?"

My smile went away and I drown the rest of my drink. The truth is Triple A is where I met Mateo, his main office is about thirteen minutes away. He is the reason why I moved.

My sisters and I used to work there everyday since high school. Akira had recently got married and Alana and I were the only ones working that day. She was suppose to be there right after school; but she decided to take her precious time. I was busy scolding her and refilling the candy jars when I felt her sharp bony elbow came in contact with my ribs.

I was getting ready to scold her again when I saw her flabbergasted expression. I frown before I saw who had caught her attention. Watching us with amused grey eyes was a tall and gorgeous man. He stood wearing a pristine looking grey three piece suit and black shiny shoes, his left had held a silver Rolex and two rings on his fingers, his black hair was in a low trim and his entire aura held authority with a bit of playfulness. His beautiful grey eyes met mine and I forgot all things logically the moment his lips form a smile.

"Anika?" Raymond call. "Is something wrong? You seem lost after my question."

I shake my head as I try to get rid of the memories of what happened next. "Oh, I'm sorry. I needed a new scenery and my younger sister was starting College here so we decided to move here together."

He nod and I decide to ask, "Is there a reason why you asked?"

"I am going to be staying in New York for my remaining time here and I was thinking that you could join me there. Only if you don't have work; of course you don't have to stay with me, you could stay with your parents b-"

"It's fine," I chuckle at his frantic behaviour.

It's been a while since I saw my parents. I've been avoiding them.  They want to retire early and dad wants me to move back and take over the cafe like I had promised when I was clueless about life and what I wanted to be.

They wanted me and my sisters to sign some legal documents for it to official be ours— only with me in charge.

I know they deserve an early retirement. They spent all their years raising and caring for us, they practically put their lives on hold when Akira was born. Mom was only eighteen and Dad twenty one.

I was selfish for dropping out of college and moving away from them even though it is just thirty six minutes away.

Perhaps it is time to face the music and look forward instead of drowning in the what ifs of the past.

"I'll join you."

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