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Anika Vargas

         I walk over to Ray who is leaning against his car wearing a black suit. He is going to drop me off at the hotel then go to work, something I think I should ask him about soon since he seem so busy all the time.

"Hey," I say watching him eying Lola who is on her leach by my feet.

He close the distance between us and place a soft kiss on my cheek. "Hello Hermosa, you look tense is everything alright?"

"I had a small argument with my father, nothing major."

It started out with him assuming I'm not happy then blaming every mishap in my life on my ex. I had to listen to him go on and on about my life in Spanish for about ten minutes, luckily I wasn't a hundred percent good at the language even though I'm part Spaniard; therefore, most of what he was saying I could not comprehend.

He ended his little speech by saying he only wants, what is best for me.

He took a tendril of my hair that I decided to let hang loose today and give me a smile, "Come on, I'll buy you a smoothie to cheer you up before I have to go to work."

"I can't believe you remembered," I chuckle. I told him that I always drink chocolate smoothies when I'm in a bad mood, that was a couple of days ago, at one in the morning when we spoke on the phone.

"I remember everything you say Hermosa, now come on." He open the door for me and I got in with the biggest smile on my face, one that I haven't wore in a while.

Montego Hotel. I look away, then back again, to make sure that my eyes weren't playing games with me.

"You're staying here?" I ask as Ray turn the car through the gates where the large building stood.

"Yes, this is where my boss main office is located. I'm the manager for the branch in Madrid."

My heart rate increase, that means Mateo is his boss.

I wish I was back in New Jersey at this very moment. I should have asked him more about his work and I should have thought twice before coming back here.

"Are you alright?" I glance at Ray to see him watching me. He had parked the car in the staff parking lot, a place I was too familiar with.

"I am, why wouldn't I be?" I try to convince myself that I will not see him during my time here, but it wasn't working and I'm pretty sure that I would have a panic attack.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I say with a weird giggle.

He raise his brows at me still not convince. You can do this Anika, I tell myself repeatedly. I lean over and press my lips against his cheek.

"Don't worry I'm fine."

He nod before we both got out of the car. I took Lola who is on her leach and Ray took my bag while trying to keep his distance from Lola, who still hasn't warm up to him.

I follow closely while on high alert. Ray was greeted by some of the staff but I paid them no attention as I try to be discreet. Keeping this part of my life a secret will be one hard task especially if these very same staff are the same ones who worked here three years ago. Walking in here was like walking in hell and announcing my presence.

We made it safely in the elevator and I breathe a sigh of relief. The moment however was short lived. I wanted to smack Ray for his fast reflexes and good eyesight.

My mouth was agape as I watch the man who I haven't seen in three years make his way towards the elevator. He wore a grey suit similar to the one he wore when we first met, I remember him saying it was his favourite colour. He didn't keep his hair low anymore. I glance at his left had to see if his Rolex and rings were still there, that was forgotten when I saw that he is holding the hand of a small boy.

One, whose blue eyes seem to light up the moment he saw Lola. The man; however, had his eyes glued to his phone as he type away.

I stood as still as a statue hoping that if I do then I will become invisible, apparently that only happens in comedies.

Mateo walk into the elevator and said thank you before looking up from his phone. Time stood still along with us both, as his grey eyes met mine.

"Good evening Sir," Ray says catching his attention for a second.

"Hello Raymond." His beautiful grey eyes met mine again. His face that God took his precious time sculpting held a serious expression, "So this is the woman you've been talking about?"

Even though his words were directed to Raymond his eyes were on me. I continue to stand still while watching him.

"Ah, yes," Ray says, "Do you two know each other?"

His question pull me from my statue stance and I look away to see Raymond watching him. I narrow my eyes at Mateo, trying to tell him not to say anything.

Seeing that he wasn't going to say anything, I decide to speak for myself.

"We don't," I tell Raymond, but he seem to be waiting for Mateo answer.

Mateo Haynes

      This moment seem too good to be true. The woman who own my heart is standing before me, looking just as wonderful as the day I met her.

Her hair that I would run my fingers through while her head rest on my chest was hanging inches above her shoulders in its natural curls, her face was free from makeup. Her lips that I enjoyed feeling against my own was in a frown as her pretty brown eyes narrow at me waiting for me to confirm her answer to the question Raymond asked; but, I wasn't done filling my memory with the image of what I had lost.

My eyes move downward to the casual white dress she wore that showed off her features; although, her heart was the best thing she own.

It pain me to deny her, but that's what she wants. "No we have never met." I kept my eyes on her and see how relief she felt.

"In that case, Anika this is my boss Mr. Haynes," Raymond introduce sounding anything but convinced.

For Anika's peace of mind I will try to convince him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I say with Luca's hand in one of mine and the other gripping my phone. I didn't want to offer her a handshake, for fear I would never let go, "And this little man is Luca."

She gives me a fake smile before directing the real one at Luca. "Hello cutie."

"Can I pwease play with your dog?" I look down at Luca who is looking at a pom dog that I didn't even notice.

Anika glance at me before looking at Luca, "Of course you can sweetie."

Luca looks at me with a wide grin before bending on his knees to play with the dog who seemed friendly even though dogs like them are a bit conceited.

Raymond starts to talk about the expansion of Montego hotel in another part of Spain but I could not stop myself from watching Anika who kept her attention on Luca and the dog.

"What's her name?" Luca ask, pronouncing name incorrectly.

Anika smile that beautiful smile of hers. It all seem so surreal that I had to pinch myself to make sure I was not dreaming. "Her name is Lola and I'm Anika."

Luca glance up at me, "Can eka stay with me?"

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