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Anika Vargas

             The thought of Mateo enjoying these sugar buns and not being present to share in the pleasure was too much for me to bear, along with the silence that greeted my confession. The sweet smelling buns would have to stay for another time because I was so sick of the situation I put myself in. If I did take a bite it would come back up in an instant.

It was Dad who broke the silence first. He gives Raymond a hearty chuckle and a back pat. Raymond appeared to have the same emotion as my father, based on the expression on his face. It would be terrible of me to take that away from him because he seemed to be so happy. "That is great news, I'm glad you decided to move to Spain with Ray."

I ignore him and he looks at Mom, "I told you this would work out honey. She only needed time to think straight."

Mom smiles, one that did not reach her eyes, and reaches over to take my hand. "What made you change your mind, sweetheart?"

I hate this question. What was I supposed to tell them? Even I wasn't sure if this was the right choice. Being a young adult isn't all that easy and sometimes we make rash decisions that we end up regretting. I wish I fought harder three years ago. How am I supposed to tell them that I only made this decision because I was mad at my ex-husband for hiding the truth from me?

Dad's expression changed. He looks like he just received some bad news. "Did that boy—"

"It was the right thing to do. Raymond is such an amazing person and I don't want to do a long-term relationship. Besides you were right about me going there to learn more about my culture, Dad." I interrupted whatever Dad was about to say. By the tone in his voice, I know it had to do with Mateo and I still haven't told Raymond about him being my first love and husband. I wonder how he will react. Maybe I should have told him from the beginning or at least before I told him I would move to Spain with him. I was stupid to believe that I could keep that chapter of my life closed especially when Mateo is Raymond's boss.

That day in the elevator things would have been too awkward, but at least it would have passed. Even though I am the one dating Ray, I think Mateo should also be there when I tell him.

That is the next thing I will do. I will tell him before we move. Ray places a hand on my back and rubs it in a smoothing manner. I smile at him.

Mom removes her hand from mine. She didn't seem happy as she pushed her glass of iced tea away. "What about the Cafe? Didn't you want to take over?"

"You wanted to take over the Cafe, sweetheart? I didn't know that." Ray says in a surprised tone. He seemed a bit pushy and that made me uncomfortable.

I shake my head. "It was during my high school years. Things changed, Mom."

"Don't pressure the girl Jana. They already signed the papers, we can get someone else to be in charge while we all live our lives."

Instead of answering Dad, Mom smiles. It was a smile that didn't come from the heart. "I will support whatever decision you make sweetheart, as long as you are happy."

Before I had the chance to reply Raymond leans forward and kisses my cheek. "She is Mrs. Vargas. Don't you see that glow?"

"Raymond, can you please excuse us for a while?" Mom stood from her seat and motioned for Dad and me to do the same.

"Is everything alright Mrs.Vargas?" Ray says confusion laced his voice.

Mom nods. "There is nothing to worry about Raymond. I just need to have a word with my daughter in private. We won't be too long."

Raymond still looked worried, but I assured him that everything was fine before following my parents to my old bedroom.

"What's this all about Jana, why did we have to come all the way here just to have a conversation?" Dad asks the moment he closes the bedroom door behind him. He sounded a bit annoyed like mom forced him to cut the lawn while his favourite football team was playing.

I was also concerned. Mom didn't seem to have a problem with Ray a few days ago, but now her behavior towards him was odd.

"Emil, can't you see that your daughter is not happy?" Mom asks as she glares at him.


Dad cuts me off before I have the chance to lie to the woman who gave birth to me. "She looks fine to me, Jana. You're exaggerating."

Mom grips her hair in frustration as her glare gets more intense. Dad took a step back, his eyes widening. He knew better not to get on Mom's wrong side.  "She is my daughter Emil I carried my girls for nine months and what they feel I also feel. My baby girl is not happy with that Man. This is not what she wants, it's what you wanted. Just take a good look at her, Emil!"

Suddenly I felt nervous. Was my emotions that obvious? Dad took a moment to look at me as I stood there not sure what to say. Mom was right, but I couldn't always have what I wanted. Life was not that simple. I fell in love with Mateo at first sight and looked at how that turned out, maybe if I grew to love Raymond then it would be a better outcome for us. Sure it will not be easy at first, but I can learn.

"Sweetheart." He steps forward and places his hands on my shoulder as he stares down at me. "I just want what is best for you and I don't want to see you get hurt. What that man put you through I don't want to see you endure anything like that again, but if you don't love Raymond although I think he's a good young man then do what is right. Just don't go back to that man for him to hurt you again."

"Mateo and I are just friends Dad and as soon as I tell Raymond about him then we can move to Spain. I like Raymond, he's a good person." My brain hurts. I don't know what to make of this situation, I just need time and space to get my head straight.

"What?! I don't understand how you can be friends with someone who hurt you and why haven't you told Raymond about him yet?!" Dad pulls away and steps closer to Mom.

"Honey, why haven't you? You can't just decide to move away with a man without telling him about your ex-husband. The same man who is his boss, and you said you like him, sweetheart. Like is not enough to move across the country with someone you hardly know. He doesn't mean much to you, if he did then you would have told him about Mateo. You're still in love with him aren't you?"

"God forbid, Jana!"

Mom rolled her eyes and ignored Dad. I run my fingers through my tangled hair. "I just came to tell you the news you both wanted to hear, I just need some space for once."

I was no longer able to stand and listen to them discuss my life as if I were a child. The initial step I should have taken after Mateo's admission was to take a moment to reflect on the situation. Instead, I chose to take the difficult path of trying to fall in love with someone who deserves to be loved in the proper manner all while my heart belongs to someone else.

Without waiting for them to say another word I pulled the door open and ran into Raymond who caught me from stumbling. My eyes widen. Did he hear our conversation? What was he even doing up here?

"Is everything alright, love? He asks while holding my upper arms.

I nod vigorously, unable to look into his eyes. "I'm fine Ray. I just need a bit of space. I'll meet you back at the hotel tonight, alright?"

Ray hugs me to his chest. "Is there anything that I can do, get you a smoothie, take you out to a nice restaurant?"

I pull away and stare up at him. Did he not hear me? I shake my head, "I just need some space Ray, please."

I didn't wait for his reaction. Instead, I withdrew and left without another word.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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