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Mateo Haynes

                Three thirty-two. I groan in annoyance; Tara Wilson knew how impatient I can be. I look away from the woman sitting a seat away from mine giving me small smiles, currently the clock was the only interested thing in this diner.

I can't remember the last time I was this anxious. My ex-wife was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago with my son that she kept from me for five years.

It was settled in court and now we have share custody of Dontae. She was lucky I was generous enough not to get full custody of him.

              Today would be the first time I'm meeting him in person. In the past I had people who watched over him for me, they secretly took pictures of him and sent them to me. My only regret is not fighting hard enough to get my son sooner.

After four more minutes past I glance up for what felt like a hundred times as the diner bell rang, an indication that someone recently enter. My heart rate increase and I stood from the chair almost knocking it over as I watch Tara enter. She walked in like she owned the place with her dyed red hair tied into a neat bun, she was elegant as usual, but she wasn't the reason my heart rate increase.

I look at the small boy who walked next to her. He was a mirror image of myself, his grey eyes were big and wide as he looks at the medium size aquarium in the heart of the diner.

The only difference between our physical appearance was his child like features and his black hair that was curly instead of straight.

"Mateo," Tara says.

Even after so many years she was still upset that I had cheated on her, which I had apologize for multiple times. Still, she punished me by not allowing me to meet my first child. I grew slightly angry as I watch the boy who was still looking at the different fishes. I missed out on so much that happened in his life.

"Tara," I say in the same dull voice she used.

She rolled her big hazel eyes and gently tug on Dontae's hand, "Baby, this is the man I told you about."

Dontae look at his mother before looking at me with a blank express, one that I was afraid of. It looks like the one my dead father would give my mother before he would start to scream at her.

"You remember right? He's the one I say is your father," Dontae nods before holding out a hand to me.

"Hello sir," I try my best not to chuckle at his formalities before taking his small hand in my own.

"Hello young man, how are you?"

"I'm good Sir," he replies before looking up at his mom. "Mom, I'm hungry I thought you said you would buy me burger and fries when we got here."

"Dontae you know I don't allow you to have such fatty foods, it will make you obese like Uncle Jack. "

I rose a brow as I watch the scene before me. Dontae now held his head down, kicking his left foot back and forth. What monster deprive a child from burgers and fries just because she thinks it will make him obese. She told me this was Dontae's favorite place to come. What did she make him do when he came here, stare at the fishes?

"Let's have a seat and Dontae you can have as many burgers as you want," I say.

Dontae look up at me grinning with two of his front teeth missing. "Really?"

I return the little guy enthusiasm. "Sure, son."

I was a bit hesitant to call him son not knowing how he would react, but he made me feel better when he looks up at his mom and said, "You were wrong mom, I already like him."

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