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Anika Vargas

         This was too much. I stared at Ray trying to register his words. He wants me to move to Spain, with him? He can not be serious. Despite him being my boyfriend we haven't known each other long enough to take such a huge leap.

I'm not even sure how to feel about the situation I am in. I like him, sure, but is it enough to drop my life and move to a foreign country with him?

Dad was very wrong for suggesting something so outrageous. He had no right to try and control my life like that. He doesn't even know Raymond well enough.

"Is this because of what my father said?"

Ray shakes his head and took my hands in his. "Trust me, Anika, it is not. I've been thinking about it lately. You have become an important part of my life and I wouldn't want to lose you."

He was moving too fast. If I am not careful he will want me to marry him next. Didn't Mateo offer him the job here? He said he would do it before he left.

I managed a small smile. "I'll think about it."

My mind was already made up about the move. I like Raymond but I don't think it is enough to move away with him and I shouldn't have asked Mateo to give him that offer. His family is in Spain and I shouldn't have to let him choose between his family and staying here with me. Just like he's making me do right now.

               "Despite what everyone says Nika, I know he is wrong for you. If he cared about you like how he cares for himself then he would have thought about you and your feelings before asking you to move away with him to a country you've never even been to."

Alana forced half of the cupcake in her mouth before she continues, "You have your family here, a good job, a business waiting for you to take over even though you are indecisive about that and I know how you feel Anika. You're my sister I see through you like glass."

My little sister was right. Then why do I still find it difficult to make a decision?

"I love you Anika and I want what is best for you I just don't want you to do something that you might regret."

"When did you get so smart?" I smile at her.

"Bitch please, I've always been the Vargas sister with the brains." She smiled back.

I laugh at Alana's words.

"You are right A, but I just don't know what to do. I sent in my resignation with the airlines, "I confess.

"What? I thought you love your job."

"I do, but I think it's time to move on. I just need a break to figure things out."

Ever since Mateo confesses his feelings I've started to think about my life here again.

Alana sighs. "I know you still have feelings for Mateo, Anika."

There was no point denying it, especially to my sister. Seeing him again made the feelings I've bottled down for so long resurface and I don't know how to get rid of them.

"I have never been so confused before Alana. I wish I could hate him, but I just can't and then there's Raymond who is the safer bet. He's sweet, kind, our sister and parents love him. He loves his mom and is kind to me, yet I still have feelings for a man who cheated on me."

"Forget about Akira or even Mom liking him, they liked Mateo the moment they met him as well. Their judgment is a bit off and the only reason Dad likes him is because of where he is from. I don't like that Ray-fucking-mond. Sure he's sweet now, but what happens if you move to Spain with him? Will he continue being sweet then? Mateo, at least with him you already know what that is like. You know his pretty and his ugly, you fell in love with him despite of that and I know he hurt you, Anika. I would have killed him if I could, but maybe you should think deeper on this before making your decision."

Mateo Haynes

         "I don't have a chance with her Ciara, she has a boyfriend. I even offered him to be the manager for our local branch just for her."

I was having brunch with my cousins and their wives before leaving tonight.  They all were interested in knowing about Anika and how she's been. Ashira, Bentley's wife got along well with Anika. My family loves her.

"Man, do you ever consider telling her the truth?" Giovanni asks.

Ciara narrows her grey eyes at us. "What truth?"

Bentley cleared his throat. "Mat didn't exactly cheat on her."

"What!?" Ashira and Ciara said in unison.

"I'm confused. First, you said that she cheated on you which is why I was upset with her and lost all communication with her, then you said you were the one who cheated. Mateo, what happened?" Ashira ask sounding a bit confused.

I sigh running my fingers through my hair.

"I was a fucked up person three years ago. Which is why I sought therapy after I lost Anika."

I drown the rest of my whisky before telling them what happened.  "That day I came home feeling exhausted, I begin to remove my clothes the moment I entered our front door, so I can take a quick shower and get some rest before Anika got home.  The universe had other plans." I pause to fill my glass and take a large gulp.

"When I entered my bedroom I was surprised to see Anika already in bed, well so I thought. I went over to kiss her forehead and that's when I realize it wasn't my wife. It was my P.A at the time. She broke into our house and waited in bed for me. She knew Anika had a late class that day and wouldn't be home."

"I remember yelling at her and threatening to call the police. She managed to pull me down on top of her and that's when Anika walked in."

Ciara took the glass from my hand, placing it on the table before taking my hand in hers. "So didn't you try to explain to Anika that nothing happened?"

"I made myself believe I wasn't good enough for her, that I didn't deserve her. I felt myself slipping back into old habits so I didn't bother explaining. I figured at the time that it would be best to love her from a distance where I can't hurt her."

"So why led everyone to believe she cheated?" Ashira ask.

"That would be my fault, "Bent confesses slowly. "I found Mat in his penthouse wasted, he kept on saying that she cheated on him so I believed that was what happened. I didn't find out until months ago that he was only saying that to make himself feel better."

Ashira sigh. "I'm sorry Mateo. After everything you went through, I understand why you would want to stay away from Anika, but it was also her decision to make. You married her for better or worst you should have let her in."

"I agree with Ashira." Ciara joins in, "Anika sounds like a lovely person and I believe she would have understood. It's not like she was unaware of how traumatizing your past was."

Gio nods. " The ladies are right bro. You need to make things right with her. Forget about what's his name."

"I agree with my brother. Despite her being with someone else, you should at least let her have a say in this. Do the right thing this time cousin."

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