Inseperable Love Ep6

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My mother doesn't look happy. So does my father. In fact they look mad.
Mother:what did we tell you?
She starts yelling.
Mother:we told you to not be around him, but what you do? You spend the night with him
Christina:mother what are you saying?
Mother:oh, we all know what really happened last night
Christina:you really think i would do that?
I turn to my father.
He doesn'y say anything. Just looking at me with disappointment.
Christina:leave! Get out!
The next thing i know is my mother's slap on my cheek.
Mother:you don't talk with us like that
They leave with that. I turn around in my bed. And put my face my in the pillow. And just cry. I can't believe they could ever think about me like that. I'm their daugher. I'm not surprised about mother. We have never been close. She has always been cold to me. What hurts is that father could ever think about me like that. How can he thing about his own daughter? I cry till i fall asleep.
..............................Time skip............................
After few hours of sleeping i wake up. Emma, Liam and Oliver visist me.
Emma:are you sure you're ok?
Christina:i'm fine Emma
Liam:actually we wanted to ask you something
Christina:sure, what is it?
Oliver:we wanted to know if you and Alex...
Christina:if me and Alex what?
Emma:did you both you know...
Christina:gosh no
I say knowing excactly what they mean.
Christina:why would even think that?
Liam:you're a girl and he's a boy
Christina:yes, Liam thanks for noticing, but just because we had to spend the night together doesn't mean that we slept
Christina:i mean look at us, we are 2girls and 2boys, but people don't think we sleep with each other
Oliver:you're right, i'm sorry
Emma:me too
Liam:so am i, i'm sorry too
Liam:can you forgive us?
Christina:idk you're gonna have to let me think
I cross my arms and pretend like i'm thinking. I look at their faces and burst out lauging.
Christina:you should've seen your faces
Emma:oh shut up
She throws a pillow at me.
Christina:of course, i'll forgive you
And we all hug each other.
...............................Time skip...........................
Few weeks later my leg is all healed up. I eventually got over what my parents said. Me and Alex are kind of back to normal. Only now he doesn't seem so annoying. It's night time already, but i wanted a snack so i went to the kitchen. To walk back i have to pass my parents room. Since their doors are slightly open i can hear everything what they're talking about. Usually i wouldn't be interested. But this time i am. I stop in my tracks and listen in.
Mother:honey they have agreed
Father:agreed to what?
Mother looks at father with the "really?"look.
Mother:they have agreed to fight for our daughter's hand
This makes me go weak in the weeks. I can't take it so i storm in.
Christina:they have agreed to what?
Mother:Christina is this a way how to enter a room?
Christina:not now mother
Christina:you are going to make me marry someone?
Mother:this is for your own good
Christina:you don't know what's good for me
I stare at them in disbelief.
Christina:what happened with me choosing my own future?

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