Inseperable Love Ep 19

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''I can help you with that''

A sudden voice says behind us. 



I am laying on my bed. I have not done much since a few days ago. There is a soft knock on the door. 

''Come in''

In comes my mother.

''Get up''

She says in her usual stern voice. 


I say, still not facing her.

''How else are you going to be with Alex?''

''I am not going to be with him, father was right''

I say sniffing from all the crying.  I feel the matress sink next to me. But i don't pay any attention to it. Until i feel her hands in my hair.  I slightly flinch because she has never done that and i thought that she is going to pull my hair. But i ease up as she starts stroking them instead. It feels nice. Very nice. I feel the warm feeling coming from her. I could get used to it. 

''Do not do this''

My mother says, but this time with a sweet voice. 

''Do what?''

''Do not let this chance go, you have a chance to be happy, i let my chance go and now look at me''

I do not know anything about mothers past, but it looks like father was not the man she chose for herself. But something abaout that make me change my mind. Maybe because i do not want to turn into mother. Maybe because i do not want my kid to have my childhood. 

''But father still will not let us be together''

''That is why you both are running away''

This takes me by surprise. I never expected this from mother. 

''R-run away? I can not run away''

I say trembeling becaus i am a little scared. 

''Yes, you can, there is nothing holding you here, go and live your life''


I say quitly and i hug mother. This is the longest hug we have ever had. 



I creep down the stairs, into the dark jail. Oliver and Liam are following close behind me. We find Alex's cell. 

''What are you guys doing here?''

Alex asks confused.

''We are getting you out of here''

I answer while Oliver and Liam are trying to take the door out. 

''Why are you doing this?''

''We are doing this for Christina''

Oliver says coldly.

''Look guys i appreciate you doing this, but i can not, Christina, she does not love me anymore''

He says with a sad voice. 

''Yes, she does''


''She is pregnant''

It comes right out my mouth, without even thinking.


Alex shouts surprised and shocked at the same time. 

''So, you have to come with us''

By now the boys are done taking out the door. It looks like we have succseeded in changing Alex's mind because he come out the cell.

''Let's go''


I reach the horse stables with mom. Alex is already there and so are the others. I run to Alex out of happiness and i hug him. 

''Christina i am so sorry please-''

I cut him off by kissing him. At first he is too stunned to kiss me back, but then he eases up. 

''You two love birds break it up''

Says Liam. We break the kiss and i look at others.

''You should go now''

I go to mom.

''Thank you''

I hug her one more time. Then i turn to my friends. 

''Thank you guys for everything''

''Aw do not mention it''

Liam says with a funny voice. It makes me chuckle.

''Group hug''

Emma proposes and we all hug. 

''I will miss you guys''

''We will miss you too, but you have to go''

We let go of each other. Alex helps me get on the horse. I bid some more goodbyes to mom and my friends. The horse starts running and i am headed to my new life. It is sat that i can not my new life with my friends and mom, but i will never forget them.


Your opinion about this story is very important to me so don't be a silent reader.

I'll see you in the next story.

Bye :)

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