Inseperable Love Ep17

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''Maya, could you please keep it a secret?''

I ask with a trembeling voice.

''Of course, your secret is safe with me Miss''

''Thank you, you can leave now''

Maya leaves and i break down. 


Emma comes next to me on my bed and hugs me. I cry in her arms until i fall asleep. 



It has been 2months since i found out i am pregnant. No one other than Emma and Maya know about it. I haven't even told Alex yet. I have not told him yet because i am afraid that he will leave me. We have only been dating for two months and i am affraid that announcing my pregnancy to him could scare him away. 


Today is the end of the contest. And will know who won and who will get to marry my daughter. I am on my way to the garden where the results will be announced. I am passing the Wilson's room( Alex's family) They have left the door slightly open. I was going to walk away, but the conversation caught my attention. It is a conversation between Noah and his son Alex.

''How is is going with Christina?''

Asks Noah, making me confused. 

''It is good''

''Do not worry, soon you will not have to pretend to love her, soon the thrown will be ours''

Noah says very peleased. But this makes me very angry. Sure, i could burst in there and act all mad, but i have a better idea.


Right now they are about to announce who won my hand. I am nervous. I wish it is Alex, but i am still scared that my pregnancy could ruin things between us. 

''The winner is Alex Wilson''

The announcer says in his usual boring tone. But his words make me exciting and happy. I run to him out of happiness. I thought that this is it, that I am getting y happy ever after. But that thought changes as soon as my father yells. 

''Arrest him!''

As soon as he yells that, i stop in my track. And soldiers are runing to Alex. I am about to run too, but some soldier stop me. 

''No, Alex, No''

I scream with tears forming in my eyes. They take me inside, but they i guess they took Alex to prison. When i get inside my parents are already there. 

''What the hell?''

I yell at my father, mad.

''I did what i had to do''

Says mt father with a calm voice.

''You are trying to ruin my life''

''No, you are doing it yourself and you will stop seeing him''

''No, you can not''

''Yes, you can''

''You can not, because i am pregnant with his baby''

I suddenly yell, surprising everyone and myself.

''He is not going to be a father''

''Yes, he is''

''He was playing you, he never loved you, he just wanted your thrown''

''You are lying''

I say not believing any of his words. 

''Go to your room, this conversation is over''

He says and walks away.


I go to my room because i feel very exhausted and i can not fight with father now. 

Hope you liked it

Bye :)

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