Inseperable Love Ep15

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''Come with me'' He says and grabs my hand.  ''Where are we going?'' He doesn't answer anything and just keeps draging me. He draged me to the horse stables. ''Why are we here?'' I ask him in confusion. ''We're here so that no one could see us.'' ''Let's meet here everynight'' That sounds so lovely, but i have to ask him that one question i have been wanting to ask since this morning. ''Alex, what are we?'' I ask with a trembeling voice, affraid of the answer.


''I thought it was obvious'' He says with a slight dissapointment in his voice. ''My little dummy would i be sleeping with you if i didn't love you?'' He gets down on one knee and takes my hand in his. ''Christina would you give me the honor and be my girlfriend?'' I gigle at his sily actions. ''I would love to be your girlfriend.'' He quikly gets up and kisses me on the lips. The rest of the night we spend cuddling on the hay stack.



Right now i'm trying to hide myself from Christina and her date with Will Johnson. Yes, i am stalking them. I don't trust any of these dudes. And maybe i'm just a little bit jealous too. Right now they are walking along the lake. It looks like they are having a good time together. She is laughing at his stupid jokes. But what he does next makes me almost loose my shit. He takes a strand of her hair and puts it behind her ear. He touched her. It takes alot from me to not go there and punch him. But i calm down thinking to myself : '' It doesn't mean anything to her.''


It's the end of yet another date. But i can't say anything bad about this one. I actually had fun. And now, as every other day, i'm on my way to the horse stables. When i get there Alex is already there. He is taking care of one of the horses. He actually looks cute and sexy at the same time. What is wrong with me? He's only wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. I go closer to him. ''Hi'' He just murmrs a bearly understandable ''Hi'' What's with him? Is he mad at me for something? ''Are you ok?'' He doesn't answer anything, he just gives me a shrug. ''How was your day?'' He answers my previous question with a question. ''It was very good, the guy i met today was very-'' I stop mid-sentence when it hts me. ''Are you jealous?'' He wants to turn away from me, but i make him look at me by holding his face in my hands. ''You have no reason to get jealous'' I say as soft as i can. ''Yes i do'' He says with a sad voice. ''You could just easily leave me for any of them, because they can give you something that i can't'' ''There's nothing that they can give me and you can't'' ''Yes, there is, when you are with them you don't have to hide, you can do whatever you want, you can hold hands, you can kiss, but when you are with me you can't do any of those things.'' ''But i don't want to do any of those things with them, i want to do them with you, even if it means that we have to hide.'' I say that and press my lips against his. He answers the kiss. From the start i could feel a tint of jealousy in  the kiss, but it quickliy turns into lust. He puts one of his hands in my hair, deepening the kiss by pulling me closer to him. And we both fall on the haystack.

(!WARNING! The following scenes are 18+, so if you are uncomfortable reading this, feel free to skip)

He moves from kissing my lips to my neck, leaving purple marks along the way. ''This way everyone will kow, you belong to me'' He groans in a deep voice, wich makes me want him even more. A moan escapes my lips as he finds my sweet spot and sucks on it. Then he moves back to my lips and kises them. While kissing  we slowly undress each other. Once we are completely naked he moves down to between my legs. He looks at me, asking for permision. I nod and without warning he enserts two fingers in me and moves them in and out. ''Alex-ah'' I moan out his name at the incredible feeling. It doesn't take long for the tight knot form in my stomach. ''Alex-ah i-i'm-m clo-close'' I manage to stutter out and he moves his fingers faster. After a while i cum on his fingers. He takes them out and licks them clean. He kises me once again, making me taste myself. I put my hands behind his neck and flip us around. Now i'm on top of him. ''It's my turn to pleasure you'' I go down to his already hard member and stroke it a few times. I take the tip of his member and put it in my mouth and swril my tongue around it. ''Ah don't tease'' He groans out, grabs a hand full of my hair and pushes me deeper down his member. I can feel the tip at the back of my throat as i keep bobbing my head up and down. Few minutes later i feel him twitch in my mouth and i go harder. He shoots his seeds in my mouth and swallow them, strugling for none of it to leak and go to waste. This time Alex is the one that flips us over and he's on top of me again. And withput any warning he pushes himself inside my tight little hole. Without giving me any time to adjust he starts to move. Slowly, but he incerases his speed. He playes with one of my breasts while sucking the other one. The stables are filled with our moans and skin slapping. ''I-i'm close'' I say, feeling the knot in my stomach. ''Come for me sweetheart'' And i do as he says, i come all over him. He thrusts a few times and then he himself comes inside me. He pulls out of me. Alex presses his forhead against mine and whisper''I Love you'' This is the first time he has said that since we started dating. And i couldn't imagine any other time him saying that. ''I Love you too'' I whisper back to him. He gives me his t-shirt and i wear it. It's obviously too big for me. He hugs me and we both fall asleep, tired from all the previous activities.

Hope you liked it!

I'll go get some holly water for me,

Bye :)

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