Inseperable Love EP16

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Today, like every other morning for the past few days, i wake up because of the urge to vomit. I run to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet when the door opens and Emma comes in. 

''Hi Christina i-'' 

She says, but stops once she sees me throwing up through the open bathroom door. Without a word Emma comes to me and holds my hair out of my face. After i stop throwing up i sit on the ground and wipe the tears that have formed in my eyes. 

''Are you ok?''

Emma asks concernd.

''Yes, i'm fine''

I answer tiredly. Emma helps me back to the bed. 

''Why were you throwing up?''

''I don't know, it's been hapening for the past few days.''

After i say that it looks like Emma has figured something out.

''What is it? What are you thinking?''

''When was the last time you and Alex did ''it''?''

''About a week ago, why?''

Then it occured to me.

''No, it can't be, there's no way"

''Yes, it can, did you use protection?''

''I don't know''

''Well, we need a doctor''

''Could you please get Maya?''

''Of course, i'll go now''

Emma leaves to get Maya. Maya is the doctor of the palace. She's also a good friend to me. I know i can trust her to keep it a secret, if i am pregnant. After few minutes Emma returns with Maya. 

''What can i help you with Miss?''

''I-i think that i might be p-pregnant''

My voice is trembeling as i say that. As soon as i finish Maya's eyes widen. But she quickly hides it. 

''Then lets check it to be sure, but i need to go and get my equipment''

She leaves and comes back few minutes later with the ultrasound. She sets up the machine and sits down on the bed, next to me. 

''Could you lift up your shirt for me?''

I lift up my shirt and try to relax on the bed. 

''It will be cold for a little''

Maya says and i nod. She puts the gel on my stomachand like she said, it's a little cold at first. She takes the ultrasound and drags it across my stomach. The next few minutes pass in silence. 

''It looks like you're right, you're pregnant Miss''

To me it sounds like Maya would be speeking like a turtle. That's how slow i hear the words ''You're pregnant Miss'' coming out of her mouth. The thing that i feard, ever since this morning, became true. Million tought are racing through my mind. Thoughts like:  What am i going to do now? What will happen to me? How am i going to tell this to Alex? Do i even tell him? If i do, will he leave me?


Emma's voice brings me back to reality and and i push all of those thoughts at the back of my mind. 

''Maya, could you please keep it a secret?''

I ask with a trembeling voice. 

''Of course, your secret is safe with me Miss''

''Thank you, you can leave now''

Maya leaves and i break down. I just can't hold in the tears anymore. 


Emma comes next to me on my bed and hugs me. I cry in her arms until i fall asleep.

Hope you liked it

Bye :)

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