Inseperable Love Ep11

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I get up from the bed and drag him towards the window.

-so about that date?

I give him a glance.

-i'll take that as a yes

He says before giving me a quick kiss on the lips and climbing down.


I'm a little shocked about the kiss, but i am brought back into reality by mother calling me.

-Christina, open the door
-coming, mother

I go to the door and open it. Mother comes in.

-yes, mother?
-i just wanted to know how you're doing?

WOW. That's a surprise. She never wants to know how i'm doing.

-i'm pretty fine
-you are not talking to that boy, right?

So, that's what she really wants to know. And why did i think that at least ONCE in this life time she care about how I'M doing? I want to say some pretty bad things, but i keep it all in and count to 10in my ten.

-No, no of course, not
-Well, that's fine then

She says while going closer to the door.

-Goodnight then

And just like that she's gone.

-Yeah, goodnight

I say a little hurt. But soon enough i shrug it off and go to sleep.


It's almost time for the competiton. My maids help me wear my dress.

This is dress:

I look in the mirror hating every second of this

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I look in the mirror hating every second of this.

-Miss, it's time to go

Says one of the maids, bringing me out of my trance.

-Yes, let's go then

We head out to the field. Most people are already there. My parents are there too. I sit down in my seat. Which ia right next to fathet. Few minutes pass and there are more people. Father stands up and all the attention goes to him.

-Goodmorning everyone, let's start, good luck to all of you

He sits back down and the announcer comes front.

-The first one up is Mr. James Rodriguez

A really thin and short boy comes up. And apearantly clumsy too. Because he can't even normally pull back the string of the bow. I chuckle to myself, but i heard father heard it. Because he glared at me. He finally pulls back the string and shoots the arrow. We wait anxiously what will happen. And to our surprise he shoots right in the target. My jaw drops open. Maybe he isn't so clumsy after all. His family cheers loudly for him.

-Mr. James gains 10points
-The next is Mr. Benjamin Martinez

He looka pretty ok. Not really my type, but ok. Loks like someone who knows how shoot the arrow. He pulls the string and shoots it. And never mind. The arrow flies right past the target. All of them get three tries. But for him the rest are the same as the first one.

-I still love you son

There's a shout from the crowd. I suppose it's his father. What a supporitive father. He's lucky.

-Mr. Benjamins gains 0points

The rest of then very bad. Finally, it's Alex's turn. The announcer says his name and comes up. Once he does, he sends a flying kiss in my direction. What's he doing? I try to hide smile that his actions causes. My parents look angry. Oh, i hope he can shoot. He picks up the arrow and bow. I wait for him to shoot which he does. And he does it perfectly. YES!!! I do a little happy dance in my mind.

-Mr. Alex gains 10points

His family cheers for him. He looks proud of himself. This is over and it's time for breakfast. I get up from my seat and go to my friends.

-Hi guys

They all already have plates full with food and i suddenly get so hungry.

-I'll go get me some food and then i'll come back

They nod and i go to the breakfast table. While going there Alex bumps into me.


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