Inseperable Love Ep18

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''Go to your room, this conversation is over''

He says and walks away.


I go to my room because i feel very exhausted and i can not fight with father now.


It is evening time now and i have decided to go to prisson to visit Alex. I need to hear it from him. I need to hear if what my father said is true. I manage to sneak out of the palace. The prisson is located right next to the palace. There are not many guards in here, so i can easily slip in. I make my way down the stairs. The only source of light are the burning candles on the wall. I have to stay close to the wall with the candles because the other prisoners are trying to touch me. 

''Where is a pretty girl like you going?''

One of the prissoners ask while also laughing. 


I call out a little scared.


I hear his voice and i go to the source. I go there and see him all messed up. 

''Christina, what are you doing here?''

I go to him and hold his hands through the bars. 

''I had to see you''

''You can not be here''

''I need to ask you something''

The look on Alex's face shows that he already know what i want to ask about. 

''My father said that you only used me, is it true?''

He does not say anything. He does not even look at me. 


I say at the verge of tears.

''Please, i need you to tell me, it is not true''

''I can not because it is true''

I take my hands out of his. Now there are tears streaming down my face. 

''I-i trusted you''


''No, it was a mistake to come here, i have to go''

And i run away. I run back to my room without anyone seeing me. I get in my room and flop down on the bed, crying. This is the day i lost everrything.  I was so affraid that he would leave me because of the baby, turns out he would have done it anyways. 


Few days later

Emma's POV

''Why are we here?''

Liam asks confused.

''We are here because we need to make Christina and Alex go back together''

''Why, the used her''

Oliver says. And judging by his tone, he is mad. 

''Because she very happy with him and yes, he did use her from the begining, but then he fell in love and so did Christina''

I say, hoping to change their thoughts, but it does not. 

''And she is also pregnant''

Now that changed their mind. Now thir faces show empathy for Christina. 

''Ok, we will help, but how do you expect us to do it, the vguy is in jail''

''I can help you with that''

A sudden voice says behind us.

Hope you liked it 

Bye :)

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