Inseperable Love Ep 14

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Everything that we cared about was this moment and each other.



How do you talk to someone that you just slept with? It's the next day and i'm laying in my bed, thinking about what happened last night. It was amaizing, atleast i think that. But what does it mean for us? Are we going to be something more? What even are we? I think that we have never even really been friends. Everything happened so fast that i didn't even think about it. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. ''Who is it?'' ''It's me.'' Says Emma. ''Come in'' The door opens and she comes in. ''What did you want?'' She comes in and sits on the bed. ''Tell me everything'' ''Tell me everything that happened yesterday'' She says with a wide, exciting smile on her face. ''You came here only to know that?'' I ask, now sitting on the bed. ''Well, it's not like you could tell me today'' She's right. I have a very tight schedual today. Today starts the marriage competitions second round and i have to go on dates with all of the competitors. ''You're right'' ''Of, course i am, now tell me everything'' 

I tell her everything that happened yesterday. With a big smile on my face.  ''So, you're like a couple or something?'' Asks Emma, after i have finished talking. ''I don't know'' ''That is what i have been thinking about, the whole morning'' ''Maybe you should stop wondering and ask him?'' That thought didn't cross my mind. ''I really should, shouldn't i?'' ''Well what are you still doing here?'' Says Emma. ''You want me to go now?'' I look at her with a surprised face. '' ''When else are you going to ask him?''  ''But i'm not ready yet'' ''Sister, he saw you naked yesterday, i don't think he will mind if you go like this, and besides there's nothing wrong with you, you look good'' She says, trying to get me out of bed. ''Ok, ok, i'll go'' I say while going to the door. ''Don't come back untill you have talked with him'' She says behind my back. Feeling confident about myself, I open the door. But i can't get any further than that, because of mother who's standing on the other side of the door. She was about to knock. '''Mother'' I say with an uneasy voice. She loooks me up and down and says with a cold voice. ''Where did you wabt to go looking like this?'' ''Nowhere i was just opening the doors for Emma'' I say with a awkward smile. ''Right, Emma?'' I ask and look at her with a look that says ''help'' She understands the assigment and says while getting up from the bed. ''Yes, i should really go'' And Emma leaves, but mother comes in. Now i'm alone with her. And i'm scared. I feel guilty. Part of me feels like she somehow knows about me and is going to kill me. ''So, why are you here, mother?'' ''Did you really forget?'' ''I'm here to help you get ready for your date with Benjamin Martinez.'' ''Already?'' Mother turns to look at me , but she still has the cold look on her face. Mother has never really been a heart-warming person. ''Yes, you will have to spend the whole day with him'' The whole day? I thought that it was just a few hours. Why are they making me spend the whole day with that guy? But of course, i can't ask any of these questions out loud. And i get ready in no time to spend the rest of the day with Benjamin Martinez.


It's almost the end of the day. And so is my date with Benjamin. Finally. It was so boring that i almost died from it. I have finally managed to say goodbyes to Benjamin. He was so annoying. I'm walking back to my room when suddenly Alex pop up. ''Long day?'' He asks with a sweet smile on his face. ''Very'' I answer him tiredly. ''Come with me'' He says and grabs my hand. ''Where are we going?'' He doesn't answer anything and just keeps draging me. He dragged me to the horse stables. ''Why are we here?'' I ask him in confusinon. ''We're here so that no one could see us.'' ''Let's meet here everynight'' That sound so lovely, but i have to ask him the one question i have been wanting to ask this whole time. ''Alex, what are we?'' I ask with a trembeling voice, affraid of the answer.








Hope you liked it

Bye :)

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