Cheer up Gingerbrave

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This is a tickle-interaction between Gingerbrave, Wizard Cookie and Strawberry Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

Wizard Cookie walked around [insert your Kingdom name here], carrying four Candy Saws Gingerbrave had asked him to make to expand their territory. Remaking a kingdom was hard work. "Gingerbrave! I got the saws you wanted!", he shouted out, expecting to see the gingery cookie run towards him with his silly smile. But he didn't. He looked around. Their kingdom wasn't that big yet. If anything, it was more of a remote village with a giant castle in it.

He couldn't have gotten far. He looked around for a bit and, after a couple of minutes, he started to get worried. "Wizard Cookie!", a voice exclaimed as a cookie in a pink strawberry hood ran towards him, carrying a bunch of Sugar Cubes. "Strawberry Cookie! Hey, I was wondering...Have you seen Gingerbrave anywhere?", he said as Strawberry looked up at him. "That's what I was going to ask you! He asked me to mine some cubes at the quarry, but I can't find him!"

"How peculiar...I asked the other cookies and they've haven't seen him either...", Wizard Cookie said as he set his saws down. "Y-You don't think something bad happened do you..?!", Strawberry said frantically. "With his recklessness, I wouldn't put it past him...", Wizard Cookie mumbled a bit before hearing a scream. It was Custard Cookie III! They could make out what he said.

"Gingerbrave! What happened to you?!"

Immediately, Wizard Cookie and Strawberry Cookie rushed over to see a beaten up Gingerbrave. He wasn't your average beaten up. He was extremely damaged! He was using his candy cane as an actual walking cane. He seemed to be crumbling. What was the most scary was him holding his detached hand in his other. "Ugh...This is not how I wanted to come back here..."

"Gingerbrave! Come on! Let's get you to a Cookie House!", Strawberry Cookie said as she helped Gingerbrave walk a little faster. "W-Wait! I'm coming too! I can heal him!", Custard Cookie said as he quickly caught up to them. Wizard Cookie didn't move for a while. What...the hell did he see? Why was Gingerbrave so beaten up?! Did's reckless, but he's not reckless enough to go into the forest all by himself! Is he..?

They all arrived at the house and set Gingerbrave on the couch. He groaned a bit from the pain, but thankfully, Custard Cookie quickly healed him to acceptable health. Strawberry had gone into the kitchen and came back with a vanilla icing piping bag. "Give me you arm Gingerbrave...", she mumbled as she carefully took Gingerbrave's hand and put icing on it before attaching it back to his arm. Wizard Cookie came in and carefully wrapped the crack with a cloth, not saying a word.

Custard Cookie had healed him a couple more times before sighing. "That's all the healing juice this king can give out! I have to go patrol my kingdom now! I give you a royal 'get-well-soon', Gingerbrave!", he said as he left the house. Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie and Wizard Cookie were left in the house, standing in silence. After a bit, Gingerbrave finally sighed. "I...uh...take it you're mad at me..", he said as he glanced at Wizard Cookie.


Wizard Cookie exclaimed as he looked at the cookie. "Did you go into the woods by yourself?! Do you know how dangerous that is?!", he exclaimed as Gingerbrave waved his hands in protest. "I-I was just trying to expand the territory-!", he stuttered a bit before Wizard Cookie yelled out once again. "By going alone?! We're stronger as a team! Why didn't you bring anyone?!"

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