A Tickly Punishment

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This is a tickle-interaction between Milk Cookie, Dino-Sour Cookie and Ananas Dragon Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

Requested by: @87ari08
(This is Part 2 of 'Defeating a Dragon through Laughter! Also, sorry for being a little inactive, I've been focusing on school; As an apology, this will be a longer story split into two)

"H-Hey you two! Stop that..!"

A distressed cookie was flailing his arms a little as two other cookie began digging in the sand. Milk Cookie and Dino-Sour Cookie had gotten split up from Purple Yam and Mala Sauce Cookie. They ended up in the ocean, surrounded by various islands. Next thing they knew, they were rescued by Mango Cookie and, after a bit of exploring, reached Pineapple Isle. They dug in the island's sand, searching for the fabled Golden Dragon.

Needless to say, Dino-Sour Cookie was ecstatic. "Finally! I can't believe we'll meet a real dragon!", he exclaimed with delight as his Jelly-Saur helped dig some more holes. "Pitaya Dragon Cookie was a dragon", Milk said matter-of-factly as he used his shield to speed up the process. "Nah, they were a cookie! That's why they're called 'Pitaya Dragon COOKIE'! Duh!", he exclaimed, about to dig another hole before Mango Cookie grabbed his arm.

"Please stop this! We're not supposed to ruin the island! Haven't you heard? Destroying the island will anger them!", he exclaimed in a panic. "Pfft! Really? Cuz I don't see them! Must be too chicken to face off against a couple of cookies!", Dino-Sour Cookie said, putting his hands behind his head, clearly not taking Mango Cookie's words seriously. "P-Please! Stop this already! What's digging holes going to do anyways?!"

The frantic cookie desperately tried to stop the two cookies, who seemed to be too set on their goal to listen. Next thing, they knew...the ground started to shake. "Hey! W...What's happening?!", Milk Cookie exclaimed as he tried to keep his balance. There was a mighty roar and growl before a giant yellow dragon appeared from the sand. "D...D...D...DRAGON!"

"A REAL DRAGON! Finally! I've been waiting for this moment!", Dino-Sour Cookie exclaimed as his now-starry eyes glittered brightly. "Oh no...The legends are true...They're all true! This isn't good..!", Mango Cookie said as he tried to go towards to the two. "You two! Arrre you the insufferrrable cookies that have dug holes in my land?!", the dragon roared as smoke puffed out of their nostrils. "Y...Yes...but please understand we did it to-!", Milk Cookie started before he was loudly silenced by the dragon.

"I have no time forrr yourrr excuses!", the dragon hissed as they suddenly flew up and scooped the three out into the air. "H-Hey! Where are you taking us?!", Mango Cookie exclaimed as Dino-Sour Cookie wiggled around. "W-Wait! Let us down! This is unfair! Fight me like a real dragon!", he exclaimed as he tried to squirm free, but couldn't. The dragon ignored their pleas as they flew faster toward Pineapple Mountain.

Soon, everything was dark.

"Ugh...What...What happened? That was such a rough landing..", Dino-Sour Cookie groaned as he looked around, barely seeing anything other than Milk and Mango Cookie. "W-Where's the dragon? Where are we?", Milk Cookie stammered a bit before a sound of fire filled the air. Everything was suddenly visible as rows of torches were lit by flame. In front of them, was a Cookie sitting on a throne. They had sharp yellow hair with an outfit that looked like battle armor and green leaves atop his head.

"Huh? A Cookie?", Mango Cookie muttered a bit as he looked around. Everything was decorated like pineapples, with their warm and vibrant colors. Everything made sense now. "Is this...the dragon's nest in Pineapple Mountain?!", he exclaimed as the Cookie in front of them smirked. "Well, well, well! You are quite clever for a mere Cookie", they said as they grabbed their staff, which also looked like a pineapple.

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