Chaos Between Siblings

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This is a tickle-interaction between Alchemist Cookie and Vampire Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

Requested by: @animegirl239

"Just one more...drop...", Alchemist Cookie muttered to herself as she positioned a pipette filled with a bright green substance over a flask. She had been working on an experiment that could help Herb Cookie's plants survive in the winter better. But it required intense precision. One mistake could-!

"Hey sis! How much do I-?!", a loud (and annoying) voice exclaimed as the sound of a door being slammed open ran through the room. Alchemist Cookie was so surprised that she yelped and accidentally added the whole amount of liquid into the concoction. It started to bubble up before exploding! Liquid was spilled all around the room, some drops landing on some nearby plants.

The plants glowed a bright pink before suddenly growing rapidly in size to the point that it took over almost half of the room. "Ugh! VAMPIRE COOKIE!", Alchemist exclaimed as she looked towards the voice. It was her brother, Vampire Cookie, a lazy cookie who seemed to have nothing better to do than to bother his sister and laze about. "Whoops", he said simply as he looked at the plant. "Whoops? WHOOPS?! That's all you have to say?! Look at this mess!"

"Yeah, that's a pretty big mess. Anyway, I just came by to see how much I owed you for the Jelly Tarts I bought", he said, spinning his signature grape juice drink in his hand. "Guess I'll see you around after you're-!", he started before suddenly feeling a tug on his cape. "Oh no you don't! YOU'RE helping ME clean up this mess!", Alchemist Cookie said sternly as Vampire Cookie groaned. "Oh come ooooon sis. That takes effoooort..."

A wet rag was suddenly thrown as his face as Alchemist Cookie furrowed her eyebrows. "Well, you're the one who barged into my lab and ruined my experiment! Didn't you read the sign I put on the door?!", she exclaimed as her brother simply shrugged his shoulders, making her grumble in response. "Whatever! You're helping. End of story!", she said as she took a dissection knife and started cutting the giant plant.

Vampire Cookie rolled his eyes and weakly slapped the rag against the spots of liquid on the walls. Alchemist Cookie groaned, knowing he wasn't really helping. "Ugh! Why do you always have to act like a 6-year-old?! Actually no. I don't think even a 6-year-old would act like this! For once in your life, can you just do something productive?!", she yelled as Vampire Cookie looked at her. He scoffed a bit before an idea came to his mind, a lazy smirk stretched across his face.

"Oh my dear sister. I think I know what your problem is."

"Trust me; I know too. It's you."

"Ouch. Harsh much? Must be from all that pent-up stress. I think you need a bit of a BREATHER!", he suddenly exclaimed. "What are you-? AH! Vampire! Let go of me!", Alchemist Cookie exclaimed as her brother suddenly grabbed her and picked her up. "Nope. You're really bothering me right now with your whole spiel about working. You need to relax a bit", he said simply. "What do you mean by-?! EHEH-! HEHEHEY! WAHAHAHAIT-!"

Alchemist Cookie suddenly squealed as she felt multiple squeezes to her sides. She squirmed around, trying to escape from her brother's grip. So he had the strength and motivation to tickle her, but not to help her clean?! She would be complaining about that if she wasn't so busy laughing. "VAHAHAHAMPIRE COHOHOHOHOOKIE!", she giggled out as she kicked her legs a bit. "Yes, my ticklish lil' sister?", Vampire Cookie said before skittering his fingers up to her ribs.

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