A Hardworking King Deserves Tickles

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This is a tickle-interaction between Avocado Cookie and Custard Cookie III! Hope you enjoy!

Author's Note: Based on the sweet little interaction the two had when rebuilding the dock

"Hey kid! Pass me that hammer would ya?"

Custard Cookie III happily walked over to Avocado Cookie, hammer in hand. He handed the tool to Avocado Cookie, who smiled proudly. "Thanks! Hey c'mere! Let me show you how to hammer like a pro!", she said, snickering a bit as the royal cookie bounced up and down. "Really?! Yes yes! Show me how to hammer!", he said excitedly.

"Ha ha! You're excited!", Avocado Cookie said as she kneeled down. Custard Cookie III copied her with a confident smile. "Of course! As this kingdom's king, I need to learn many skills in order to help my faithful subjects cross oceans and reach skies! Or whatever it is they want to do!", he said, putting his hands to his hips and puffing out his chest a bit. Avocado Cookie laughed a bit at his enthusiasm. "That's the spirit kid! Now listen closely..."

The dock was really starting to come together now. Alchemist Cookie, who had requested the dock to be built in the first place, walked over and grinned. "Incredible! The dock is nearly complete already! You both are exceptional workers!", she said as Avocado Cookie smirked a bit. "Thanks! You could say we're very JAWesome at what we do!", she joked as Custard Cookie III giggled a bit.

Alchemist Cookie said nothing before face-palmed herself. "I'm taking back my compliment", she said. "Awwww come on! I'm SHRIMPly just repeating what you said!", Avocado Cookie joked again as Alchemist turned around. "Oh my god", she muttered with a groan before turning back around. "Anyways, I just wanted to see how you both were doing. I brought more tools if you needed any", she said as she gave them a bunch of tools. Custard Cookie III blinked and then grinned.

"Don't worry about us! We're FIN-tastic!"

"Oh dear lord. You are rubbing off on him Avocado!"

Avocado Cookie laughed at the pun before patting Custard Cookie III's head. "Ha ha! Nice one kid! What are you, trying to be like me?", she said with a proud grin. "It's wouldn't hurt! You are an important member of this kingdom and I want to be just as important!", Custard Cookie III said as he stood up happily. "That's sweet kid! But you're already important! Say, why don't we take a little break? I got some Bear Jellies!", she said as the little cookie jumped happily.

The two sat down on a few stumps that hadn't been cut down yet and started happily eating their Bear Jellies. Avocado Cookie looked over at Custard Cookie III and grinned. "You know, I wouldn't have expected you to be so interested in hammering!", she said as she tilted her head. "Oh! I guess I'm just excited to help! Maybe I'll finally be able to prove to everyone that I'm a great and powerful king!", the cookie said with a smile. "Prove to everyone? You silly goose! You don't have to prove anything to anyone!"

"Really? Sometimes I feel like I do. I mess up a lot when I'm traveling with the others. I feel like...I make a lot of people annoyed or upset. I just want to be a super cool and awesome king that helps everyone! Like Pure Vanilla Cookie! I don't wanna mess up anymore! I bet Pure Vanilla Cookie never messed up!", Custard Cookie III said as he looked over at the blacksmith cookie. "Awww! Kid, everyone messes up sometimes! Even kings!"


"Of course! They're Cookies too! I think it really matters that a king does the right thing and tries to help others! You're doing just that kid!", Avocado Cookie said as she patted Custard Cookie III's head. He grinned and giggled a bit. "Thanks! I wanna be super cool like you someday!", he said as Avocado Cookie smirked a bit and poked at the cookie's sides, making him squeak and giggle. "You're welcome kid! Don't worry so much about that though! Just have some fun like the little cookie you are!"

Avocado Cookie grinned as she put Custard Cookie III on her lap and began to squeeze his sides. "EHEHE-! WAHAIT DOHON'T!", he exclaimed as he curled up a bit and swished from side to side. The older cookie snickered and continued her tickly reign. "Don't? Don't what? I'm not doing anything!", Avocado Cookie said innocently as she then started to tickle the cookie's ribs, making him squeak more. "YOHOHOU'RE TIHIHICKLING MEHEHE!"

"Tickling you? Nah! You're being silly kid! We're just having a normal conversation!", she said with a slight smirk. She continued to tickle the cookie, happy to hear him squeal and laugh. "AHAHA! AHAVOHOHOCADO COHOHOOKIE! STOHOHOP!", Custard Cookie III laughed out as he let out a high-pitched squeak. "Stop? But we just started having fun! Take this as a toKING of my appreciation for helping with the dock!", she said, slipping in a little pun in there.

Whether the pun was good or bad, Custard Cookie III was laughing hysterically. "Oooh! You like that pun? Well here's another! Why did the cookie get tickled silly?~", she said with a smirk as she continued to scribble her fingers against the cookie's ribs. "IHIHI DOHOHON'T KNOHOHOHOW?!", he laughed out, curling up more at the tickles. "Easy! He was feeling crummy!", Avocado Cookie joked as she suddenly began to skitter her cookie fingers up and down Custard Cookie III's tummy, making him laugh even harder.

"Ha ha! That one must have been really funny! Maybe just ooooonnne more! Lemme think of one~", she said as she pretended to think. Custard Cookie III tried to wiggle around to get away but to no avail. The older cookie noticed as she got closer to his belly button region, he would laugh harder and start squealing even more. She smirked. "Alright I've got one! Why was the cookie king laughing hysterically?", she said, stopping the tickles for a bit and looking at the giggly Custard Cookie III. He feared what was about to happen.

"W-Why?", he said, still giggling a bit. "The tickle monster had tickled his sweet spot!", Avocado Cookie exclaimed before swirling a finger around the area (aka where his belly button would be if he was human). He immediately let out a loud squeal and was trashing about a bit. He was pretty sure his whole kingdom could hear his laughter! "GAHAHAHAHA! N-NAHAHAHAO! IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!"

For a solid minute, the cookie king was laughing happily as he swished around. In all honesty, he was happy to have fun and laugh like this. In the midst of trying to prove himself as a king, he kinda forgot how to be a proper kid sometimes. He was glad Avocado Cookie was here to help him with that.

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