Tickles Help with Writer's Block

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This is a tickle-interaction between Clover Cookie and Herb Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

Requested by: @OfficalMattEddsworld

Herb Cookie was tending to his plants, making sure each got enough sunlight and water. Behind him, was a distressed Clover Cookie. The two were good friends and regularly hung out together early in the morning. Herb Cookie would work with his plants and Clover Cookie would play wonderfully peaceful music. According to Herb Cookie, the plants liked his music and it helped motivate them.

However, today, Clover Cookie wasn't having the best time playing music. For the past few days, he got a case of writer's block. Usually, he could create songs about almost anything that inspired him. In this kingdom though, he felt as if he had seen and written about everything. When he tried to explore forests and meadows, he just couldn't find the inspiration he needed. He's had it before, but never this bad.

"How's the writer's block? Still bad?", Herb Cookie asked as he gently stroked the leaves of one of his plants, almost treating it like an animal. "Unfortunately...I wish a spark of inspiration would come my way..", he said with a sigh as he put his lute aside. "How are your plants?", he asked with a smile. Herb Cookie grinned and started tending to the next plant. "They're doing just fine! This one has been growing soundly", he said as he held up a small plant.

Sometimes, Herb Cookie grew so connected with a plant that it was almost like he could hear them. He described it as a chirping kind of noise. For some reason. It was adorable all the same. "I'm glad", Clover Cookie said with a sigh. The cookie noticed his friend's strife and smiled softly as he set the plant down and sat down next to Clover Cookie. "It must be hard having writer's block. What you need to do is relax a little. Maybe there's something I can do to help!"

"I'm not so sure...Usually the most relaxing thing I do is play my music. And that's about all I can think about right now", Clover Cookie said. As the two continued to try and think of ways to help Clover Cookie relax, one of Herb Cookie's plants seemed to wiggle a bit. Then it wiggled even more. A vine managed to wiggle out of its pot and slowly crept over to Clover Cookie. The two were still talking, not noticing the vine.

It waited...And then it struck!

"EHEHEEK! WHAHAT THEHE-?!", Clover Cookie exclaimed as he suddenly felt something tickly attack his side. Herb Cookie blinked and looked down to see a little vine wiggling its end up and down the cookie's side and ribs, making the strange chirping sound that Herb Cookie could hear. "Oh my! I didn't know my plants could do that!", Herb Cookie announced, semi-ignoring the giggly cookie in front of him.

"P-PLEHEHAHAHASE TEHEHELL IHIHIT TOHOHO STOHOHOHOP!", Clover Cookie exclaimed. Herb Cookie was about to before stopping himself. "...No. I think my little sprout has the right idea! Tickles are a perfect way to relax and forget all your troubles!~", Herb Cookie said with a smile as he watched Clover Cookie squirm around. "NOHOHO! HEHEHERB COHOHOHOOKIE PLEHEHEAHASE!"

"Eheheh! I wonder...Are you ticklish anywhere else?~", Herb Cookie teased a bit as he wiggled his fingers and started to squeeze and tickle Clover Cookie's belly, earning a nice squeak out of him. Clover Cookie had this soft melodious laughter. It was adorable and sweet, yet energetic and happy. "AHAHAHA! NAHAHAO! NOHOHOHO THEHERE!", he exclaimed, trying to cover his belly with his hands. The vine was also taking heavy interest in tickling Clover Cookie silly.

The vine slid itself up Clover Cookie's side until it suddenly wiggled its way into his armpits, which really made him go mad. "BWAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAP!", Clover Cookie shrieked out as he curled up into a little ball. Herb Cookie only chuckled as he started to squeeze his hips, which just so happened to be another bad spot of his. "GAHAHAHAHAHA! P-PLEHEHEAHAHASE!"

"Awwwww! You're so adorable! Cootchie cootchie coo!~", Herb Cookie teased once again before grinning and blowing a big raspberry on Clover Cookie's neck. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! N-NAHAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHEHERB-! EHEHEHEEK! S-STAHAHAHAHA!", he laughed out. The poor cookie couldn't even form proper sentences. Seeing this, Herb Cookie stopped his tickly reign and patted at the vine, cueing it to stop as well.

Clover Cookie took a moment to regain his breath, still giggling a bit from the ghost tickles. Those evil- "Sooo? Do you feel inspired yet?", Herb Cookie said with a slight smirk. Clover Cookie blinked and smiled. "Actually, yeah! I am inspired now!", he said happily before grabbed Herb Cookie and trapping him in a hug. "H-Hey!"

"Hey little plant! I don't know if you can understand me, but how about we give your caretaker some tickles?~"

The vine 'looked' at him before wiggling itself in approval, positioning itself over Herb Cookie's belly. "H-Hey! Clover, let's talk about this-", Herb Cookie said, already giggling from nervousness. "Hmmmm...No thank you~", he said as he wiggled his fingers. "I think I'll just tickle you silly now~" Clover Cookie grinned as he started to tweak at Herb Cookie's ribs, earning a brigade of giggles and squeals.

"EHEHEEP! N-Nohohoho! NAHAT THAHAT-!", the squirming cookie exclaimed as he kicked his legs a bit. "Awwwww! Cootchie cootchie coo! How adorable!~", Clover Cookie said with a smirk as he started to wiggle his fingers up and down Herb Cookie's sides. The vines, delighted to see its caretaker laughing, started to wiggle itself on Herb Cookie's belly, 'drawing' little shapes and swirls all over.

"EHEHEHEEK! NOHOHO-! LIHIHITTLE SPROHOHOUT!", Herb Cookie squealed as he giggled happily. Clover Cookie snickered a bit and squeeze Herb Cookie's sides as the vine continued its tickly torture on its caretaker's belly. It seemed to chirp happily as it swished itself around Herb Cookie's tummy. "EHEHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO! YOHOHOU TWOHOHO! EHEHEHEEP!"

"What? What about us two? We're not even doing anything, you giggly little leaf~", Clover Cookie teased as he hummed a bit, creeping his fingers slowly up Herb Cookie's sides, ribs, all the way to his underarms. He then smirked as he suddenly dug his fingers into his lee's armpits, loving the loud laughter that came with it. "N-NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! C-CLOHOHOHOHOVER! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHERE!", Herb Cookie laughed out as he kicked his legs frantically.

The vine chirped happily and started to poke around Herb Cookie's neck, making the poor cookie jump a bit from the sudden touch. "LIHIHIHIHITTLE SPROHOHOHOHOUT! PLEHEHEHEAHAHAHASE! IHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!", Herb Cookie laughed out as he tried to gently push the vine away from him, but he immediately shot his arms back down when Clover Cookie amped up his tickling. "Awwww! You're such an adorable little gardener! You're so ticklish and cute~", he teased before whispering something in Herb's ear.

"Tell me...are you enjoying this?~"

Herb Cookie squealed loudly in surprise as he curled up. "NAHAHAHO! IHIHIHI DOHOHOHON'T! EHEHEHEHEEK! STAHAHAHAP!", he exclaimed as he wiggled around, getting absolutely destroyed by these tickles. "I don't know...I quite enjoying seeing you helpless like this!~", Clover Cookie teased as he blew a fat raspberry on Herb Cookie's neck, who shrieked a bit at the raspberry. "PLEHEHEHE-! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAO MOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!"

After a bit, Clover Cookie giggled and stopped along with the vine, who quickly went back to its pot, as if it did nothing. Herb Cookie regained his breath and hugged himself. "Ohohoh...my gahad...", he said, still giggling from the ghost tickles. Clover Cookie chuckled and hugged Herb Cookie tightly. "Are you alright my friend?", he asked as he tilted his head. Herb Cookie nodded with a goofy smile on his face.

"Good. And...thank you. You really helped me today!"

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