It's Nicer to Laugh than Cry

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This is a tickle-interaction between Blackberry Cookie and Onion Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

At the top of the tower, a little cookie was crying. It was the dead of night and the cookie had woken up from a nightmare. She went to hide under a table. Suddenly the room went dark. There was a chandelier and then-! That's when she woke up. She couldn't remember what happened or why she had that dream almost every night. All she knew was that it was scary; terrified her to her cookie core.

She gasped as she heard footsteps and backed up against the tower wall. "W-Who's there..?!", she quietly exclaimed, wanting to scream. "Calm down Onion Cookie...It's only me..", a voice said as an older cookie dressed as a maid walked up the steps, candle in hand. Onion Cookie gasped and slowly walked towards her. "M-Miss Blackberry Cookie! I-!"

"Had another nightmare I presume?", she said as she looked at the younger cookie, who quietly nodded and started to cry. Blackberry Cookie sighed sadly as she put her candle down and patted Onion's Cookie's head. However, for Onion Cookie, when people tried comforting her, she'd just cry even more. So that she did as she hugged Blackberry Cookie tightly.

"M-Miss Blackberry...I-I don't understand...Why do I keep having this dream..?", Onion Cookie said between her tears. Blackberry Cookie blinked, a little taken back. No...she couldn't bear to tell her...She was already crying...And the truth would surely do more harm than good...So, quite naturally, she lied. "I have no idea child...But you do not need to worry...It is only a dream. If you wish, I could stay here until you feel better enough to rest again."

"I-I'd like that..", Onion Cookie said with a small smile. Blackberry Cookie smiled back and walked over to a chair. For a couple minutes, she watched as Onion Cookie played with her doll and drew a bit. However, she could tell the little cookie was not at ease. She was clearly trying to stay awake. That nightmare must be horrible for her...

Next thing the two knew, hours had passed and Onion Cookie refused to fall asleep. Or maybe minutes have passed. Blackberry Cookie couldn't tell anymore since the clocks were going backwards. Whatever the case, Blackberry Cookie was tired, but poor Onion Cookie needed her. "Dear...It's been hours. Aren't you the littlest bit tired?"

"N-No...I'm ok...", Onion Cookie said as tears started to well up in her eyes. "But Onion Cookie, it's not healthy for your mind or body to stay up so late. You really should rest..", Blackberry Cookie said as she looked at the little cookie. She sighed though. She knew it was probably hard for the cookie to rest after having that nightmare.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Onion Cookie's cries again. "B-But Miss Blackberry Cookie...What if it comes back..? W-What if I have that nightmare again..?!", she cries out as tears rolled down her face. She hugged her doll tightly as she started to sob uncontrollably. As if a motherly instinct kicked into her, Blackberry Cookie sat up and gently picked up the cookie, wrapping her arms around the little one.

"There there little onion...It's ok...You're going to be ok...", Blackberry Cookie said as she rubbed Onion's Cookie's back soothingly. But she was surprised to hear...little giggles? She glanced down to see Onion Cookie giggling a bit, trying to muffle the noises with her doll. They were honestly the sweetest sounds the older cookie ever heard. "M-Mihihiss Blahahackberry-!", she giggled as the cookie stopped rubbing her back.

She blinked as Onion Cookie's giggles subsided. She didn't know you could tickle a...Well, she could hug and pat her head...Maybe it wasn't that farfetched in this case. Blackberry Cookie couldn't help, but smile at the cookie. "Oh..! You're a little ticklish I suppose...Hmmm...I have a bit of an idea. Would you mind me tickling you a little?"


"Well...have you ever heard the saying 'laughter is the best medicine'? It may help calm you down. It's worth a try is it not?", Blackberry Cookie said with a soft smile. Onion Cookie thought about it for a while before nodding. "I guess we could try..!", she muttered a bit. The older cookie smiled. "Alright. Just tell me when you would like to stop", she said as Onion Cookie nodded. Blackberry Cookie then started to rub Onion Cookie's back again, making her emit those sweet little giggles again.

"Ehehehe! Thahahat tihihickles!", Onion Cookie giggled out as Blackberry Cookie chuckled a bit. "It's supposed to little one", she said with a smile as she continued to gently tickle the little cookie's back. After a bit, she skittered her fingers up and down Onion Cookie's sides, earning a lovely squeal. "Ehehahahaha! I-Ihihit's kihihinda fuhuhun!", she admitted as she started to squirm a bit. "That's because it's nicer to laugh than cry, little Onion Cookie. You should do it more often!", Blackberry Cookie said, losing her cool demeanor for a moment.

Then she really lost her cool demeanor. "Little Onion Cookie, would you like to hear a story?", she said as she stopped her tickles for a moment. Onion Cookie tilted her head curiously. "It's a nice story! You see...the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout~", she sung a bit as she skittered her fingers once again up Onion's Cookie's side, making her squeak and squeal happily.

"Ehehe! Mihihiss Blahahackbeherry!"

"Down came the rain and washed the spider out!~", she teased as she started to wiggle her fingers on Onion Cookie's tummy. "EHEHEP-! Ahahahaha! Ihihit's TIHIHICKLY!", Onion Cookie laughed out as she tried to curl up in a little ball. "Out came the sun and dried up the rain~", Blackberry Cookie sung as she swirled her fingers around the little cookie's belly, enjoying her happy giggles.

"And so the itsy bitsy spider climbed out the spout again!~", she teased again as she danced her fingers up and down Onion's belly. She was squirming around, wearing a happy smile. She was no longer crying and, for once, Onion Cookie felt like a normal kid. "EHEHEHE! MIHIHISS BLAHAHACKBEHEHERRY! NOHO MOHORE PLEHEHAHASE!", she said, putting her hands on Blackberry Cookie's. The maid smiled softly as she stopped her tickles, watching as the little cookie curled up to her.

"Ehehe...That was fuhun..", Onion Cookie said before letting out a yawn. Blackberry Cookie giggled a bit and held Onion Cookie like a baby. "I think it's time for this little cookie to go to bed..", she said as she walked over to a small bed that was in the room and set her down on it, tucking her into bed. "B-But what if the nightmare comes back..?", she said with a worried look. "Then I guess I'll have to tickle it away", Blackberry Cookie said simply. Onion Cookie giggled a bit.

"Eheheh...Thank you Miss Blackberry..."

"You're welcome my dear...Sleep tight..."

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