Curing Sadness With Tickles

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This is a tickle-interaction between Licorice Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

Author's Note: This takes place after (and a bit during) the 'Cookies of Darkness' story!

Dark Choco Cookie fell to his knees, looking absolutely horrified. His whole body shook as he caught his breath. His expression changed into a face of anger, glaring at Pomegranate Cookie. "You...YOU! You'll never get away with this!", he announced as Pomegranate Cookie simply chuckled. She could be quite the villain when she wanted to be.

"Such ANGER! Such malice and EVIL in your eyes...Your true colors are revealed, at long last!", she said with a slightly smug look on her face. "We are truly and sincerely honored by your presence, Young Prince. You have now embraced the Darkness... Unfortunately I must take my leave." Dark Choco Cookie looked up at her, clenching his fists.

"Remember today's lesson, Dark Choco Cookie~"

The cookie was stunned to say the least as Pomegranate Cookie started walking away. She looked at Licorice Cookie, who was a bystander to all this, and glared at him, indirectly telling him to leave as well. Licorice Cookies blinked and looked at Dark Choco Cookie before silently waking with Pomegranate Cookie. Once she got far enough though, he stopped and hid behind a corner, peeking around it to find Dark Choco Cookie talking to himself. He couldn't make out everything, but he could hear a few things.

"Yes...Maybe I am fooling myself...My purpose...The End.."

He saw the cookie walk away, his head hanging low. Licorice Cookie blinked. He couldn't see what Pomegranate Cookie showed him, but from what Dark Choco Cookie was saying, it was pretty heavy. That wasn't right. He understood that they were evil and they couldn't stray from Dark Enchantress Cookie's cause, but...really? Did she have to go that far? It was almost like she considered herself some sort of queen that could just stomp all over them with no consequences!

Licorice Cookie huffed and stood there for a bit before groaning silently and walked in the direction Dark Choco Cookie went. He walked around until he heard deep sighs and...soft crying? That...That couldn't be him! Dark Choco Cookie wasn't one to cry! Was it...really that bad? Licorice Cookie considered his options. Should he leave and give him space? But if he left now, what other chance would he get? And even then...why did he want to help?

Maybe it was because how he felt in the past. Lost and alone, everyone telling you what to do and who you could and couldn't be. He sighed and took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He could hear the crying stop as he heard a little shuffle, but no words. "Dark Choco Cookie..? Are you in there..?", he said a bit quietly. There was a long pause. "Please...just go away Licorice Cookie..", he finally said.

"Sorry, but no can do. You clearly shouldn't be alone right now...", Licorice Cookie said as he leaned against the door. "I'm coming in whether you like it or not!" The cookie slowly opened the door to see the prince on the floor, a little curled up. He sighed and closed the door as he sat next to Dark Choco Cookie, who averted his eyes and stared at the wall.


"It won't work."

"Huh?", Licorice Cookie said in confusion as he looked at Dark Choco Cookie. "If you're here to make me feel better, it won't work", he said again as he huffed and continued looking away. Licorice Cookie thought for a moment about what to say next. "You're wrong. I'm not here to cheer you up. If whatever she showed you was enough to make you act like this, then it would be really hard to make your feel better", he said as Dark Choco Cookie looked at him.

"And HONESTLY! I couldn't BOTHER putting in that much effort!", Licorice Cookie said, putting his hand dramatically on his forehead, acting like the theater kid he was. Dark Choco Cookie couldn't help, but smile at his dumb and silly antics. "That's you alright..", he said with a slight chuckle before sighing. "You know, that little laugh was nice. You need to laugh more!", Licorice Cookie said as he poked at the dark cookie's side.


"And it seems like I know the perfect way to do it!~", he exclaimed as he suddenly hugged Dark Choco Cookie and skittered his fingers up and down the cookie's sides. Dark Choco Cookie jumped from the sudden touch and immediately started emitting these wonderfully deep giggles. "L-Lihihicohorice! NAHA! Stohohop WHAHAT yohohou're dohohoing!", he laughed out as he curled up slightly as Licorice Cookie giggled evilly. "Nope! You're my little ticklish cookie now! Nothing you can do to escape!~"

Dark Choco Cookie couldn't help the slight blush fading into his face as he tried to weakly get Licorice Cookie off of him. The sorcerer only snickered at the cookie's futile attempts. It was so funny to see such a big strong cookie get taken down so easily by tickles. "Cootchie cootchie coo! Awwww! What a cute little happy cookie you are!~", he teased as he started to scribble his fingers across the cookie's belly. Dark Choco Cookie jumped once again before succumbing to the tickles.

"CUHUT IHIT OHOUT-! Pleheheahahase! Nohoho MOHORE!", he exclaimed, which only made his torturer smirk. "What's that? You want more tickles? Well if that's what you want!~", Licorice Cookie said as he lifted the cookie's shirt and took a deep breath in. Dark Choco Cookie immediately knew what was going to happen. "W-W-Wahait-! I sahaid noho more! No-! MOHOHOHOHOHOHORE! AHAHAHA!", he exclaimed as he felt the raspberry on his poor ticklish belly.

"What's that? Even more? I don't mind doing that one bit!~", Licorice Cookie teased once again as he started blowing a few more raspberries on Dark Choco Cookie's belly, making the poor cookie curl up to try and protect himself. Spoiler alert; it didn't work. The poor cookie squirmed around, desperately trying to escape the tickles and raspberries, but to no avail. "LIHIHICOHOHORICE! Pleheheahahahase!"

"Hmmmm...I don't know...You seemed pretty sad and to hear you laughing right now is just so wonderful...~", Licorice Cookie said aloud, pretending to be thinking about it as he started to tickle the cookie's ribs, earning a nice little squeal from the dark cookie. "IHIT'S nohohot thahahat IHIHIMPORTANT!", Dark Choco Cookie exclaimed. Licorice Cookie blinked as he suddenly stopped his tickles, allowing the cookie a moment to breath. He looked up at the sorcerer who...look concerned.

"Yes, it is...Listen, I don't know exactly what your past is or what Pomegranate Cookie showed you, but it must've been bad if you wanted to hold yourself up in this room", Licorice Cookie said. Dark Choco Cookie blinked and sighed a bit. "It' big deal. It already happened so what's the point of dwelling on it?", he said. Licorice Cookie leaned on him and looked up at the cookie.

"Look, whatever happened is not your fault. I know because it's Pomegranate Cookie of all people who showed you it. From what I learned, she likes using people's weaknesses against them", the sorcerer said as he fiddled with his bangs a bit. "Even I can see that you ain't really EVIL like the rest of us. Except maybe Poison Mushroom Cookie. I'm not sure about him yet though", he said as Dark Choco Cookie chuckled a bit.

"You're not that bad either you know", he said simply. Licorice Cookie blinked and huffed a bit. "Maybe so, but if you tell anyone how disgustingly nice I was being, I'll kick your butt!", he said. Dark Choco Cookie snickered as he then looked at his sword. He just wanted to be a hero. He didn't want this life, but he forced himself to be a part of this scheme. Maybe would be ok. At least he had some friends to help him through it all.

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