Defeating a Dragon through Laughter

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This is a tickle-interaction between Milk Cookie, Dino-Sour Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Mala Sauce Cookie and Pitaya Dragon Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

Requested by: @87ari08

"AHAHA! Sssssuch foolish cookiesss! It'sss cute you think you can beat me!"

A group of cookies were on their knees, a raging battlefield around them. Among them were Milk Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Dino-Sour Cookie and Mala Sauce Cookie and, standing before them, was the fated Red Dragon in their cookie form. Although, they were more commonly known as Pitaya Dragon Cookie. The band of cookies had traveled to retrieve help from the dragon to save the Mala tribe.

When they finally arrived and asked the dragon for assistance, they challenged the cookies to a battle and, at the moment, the cookies were losing. This was the dragon's domain and in his domain, he was extremely powerful. But the cookies were determined to win, especially Mala Sauce Cookie, who desperately wanted to save her tribe. "I'll admit, you're pretty tough! But you forget that I'm the spiciest cookie alive!", Mala Sauce Cookie said as she sprung up and immediately tried to get a hit on the dragon.

The dragon barely dodged it, the weapon Mala Sauce Cookie wielding managed to graze his scaly skin. But something...happened. The dragon suddenly let out a small squeak. Mala Sauce Cookie was just close enough to hear it. She landed on the ground and looked at the dragon. A squeak? Why did they-? She snapped out of her thoughts when she realized the dragon had shot a few fireballs at her, making her back up with the others.

"Come on everyone! Get behind me! I'll block their next attacks!", Milk Cookie said as he readied his shield and started to charge at the dragon, everyone else following behind. Pitaya Dragon Cookie continued his attacks as Dino-Sour Cookie's Jellysaur turned big, allowing him and Mala Sauce to ride it. Pitaya Dragon Cookie could see the two and only smirked. Cookies could be so predictable, but at least they knew how to have fun!

As soon as the Jellysaur was about to pounce on the dragon, they slashed the creature with their claws, making them fall to the ground. "Oh no! Jelly! Are you alright?", Dino-Sour Cookie exclaimed as the Jellysaur groaned a bit but managed to stand up. "Come on Dino-Sour Cookie! If we don't beat this guy, the Mala Tribe will become bland! I can't let that happen!"

"Don't worry! We'll beat this guy eventually!"

"We don't have 'eventually'! We need a solution NOW!", Mala Sauce Cookie exclaimed as she watched Purple Yam Cookie attempt to hit the dragon only to be pushed back. He seemed to grumble as he continued to try, but once again continued to fail. "We need a proper strategy to beat them if we want to do this quick! Mala Sauce Cookie, does the Red Dragon have any weaknesses? Anything that could help?", Milk Cookie said as he looked at the tribe leader.

Pitaya Dragon Cookie let out a roar of laughter. "Foolssss! The Red Dragon hasss NO WEAKNESSSSESSSS! You'll never beat me at thissss rate!", they exclaimed as they started spitting out more fire blasts. "Oh it's deliciousssss how helplessss you all are!" Purple Yam Cookie wasn't having any of that. "I AM NOT HELPLESS!!", he exclaimed as he once again sprang up and started to aggressively swing his weapon around. The dragon, wearing a smug expression, easily dodged each attack.

Well, almost every attack.

Now being completely furious, Purple Yam Cookie distracted the dragon with his weapon before giving a punch in the dragon's stomach. However, it wasn't very strong due to them being a dragon, but...they still felt something. Something tingly. Sure enough, they squeaked again, a little louder this time. Purple Yam couldn't pay attention to it, but everyone else certainly did. Purple Yam grumbled. "This guy is SERIOUSLY GETTING ON MY NERVES!", Purple Yam Cookie exclaimed before suddenly being scooped up by Dino-Sour Cookie's Jellysaur.

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