A Ticklish Training Session

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This is a tickle-interaction between Dark Choco Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

(Can you tell I love these Dark Cookies? -w-)

A young Dark Choco Cookie skipped around the halls of the citadel. He held a drawing in his hand, eager to show his great and powerful father, Dark Cacao Cookie, the art he made. The young cookie proudly looked up to his father and dreamed of a day where he could make his father and the whole kingdom proud. He peeked into the throne room to see his father sitting on his throne talking to one of the Watchers. He grinned excitedly as he (practically) barged in.

"Father! Father!"

Dark Cacao Cookie turned to his bubbly son with a smile. He extended his arms as he was hugged by Dark Choco Cookie. "My son! What a wonderful surprise. I was just talking to Caramel Arrow Cookie", he said as he turned back to the First Watcher, who giggled a bit at the little cookie's excitement. "Hi Miss Caramel Arrow! Did you do anything cool today?!", he asked as the watcher patted his head. "Eheheh! I just patrolled the village and I'm here with my report. Nothing too exciting", she said humbly as Dark Choco Cookie grinned. "That IS exciting though!"

"Thank you, young prince. Now I will leave you alone with your father", she said as she bowed and walked out of the throne room. Dark Cacao smiled before noticing the paper and tilting his head a bit. "What's this, my son?", he said as he pointed to the paper. "Oh! It's a drawing I made and wanted to show you! See?", he said as he showed the picture. It was doodle made with crayons of Dark Cacao Cookie with his Grapejam Sword. There was some messy words next to it that read 'The Best Hero (And Father) Ever!!'

The king blinked and sniffed a bit, almost wanting to cry. Why did his son have to be so precious?! "It's a wonderful drawing Dark Choco Cookie! You flatter me", he said as he ruffled his son's hair a bit. The cookie grinned as he hugged his father, looking at the drawing. "Father? Will I ever be as amazing as you someday?", he said as he leaned against Dark Cacao Cookie. "You're saying that as if you aren't already as great as I", he said as he rubbed his son's head.

"Of course I'm not! You have that giant sword!", he said as he raised his arms up to show emphasis. "Well, one day, you'll have your own sword! And you'll be just like me!", his father said as he smiled. Dark Choco Cookie squealed with excitement. "I can't wait Father! I'll be just like you! In fact, I want to be trained right now!", he said with a wide grin. "Trained?"

"Yes! I want to be ready for when I have a sword and can defend the kingdom! Please please pleeeeease won't you train me Father?", Dark Choco Cookie said, putting his hands together as he begged. Dark Cacao Cookie thought about it. The young one was only 8 years old. Any REAL training would be too hard for him. But he knew that Dark Choco Cookie wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. He could do some simple and easy training for the cookie.

"Well...Alright. No-one requires my attention at the moment, so you have me for a while", Dark Cacao Cookie said as his son cheered excitedly. The king got up, his son in his arms as he watched down the stairs and outside to a little training ground where the Watchers trained. However, no-one would be here for a while, so it was a perfect, safe area for them. "So? What are we going to do first?!"

"Hmmm...Why don't I show you how to hold a sword first? Then we can get to the basics", he said as he found a stick and gave it to Dark Choco Cookie, who grinned, imagining it was a real sword and how amazing he would look holding one. The king took a stick as well and positioned himself, holding the stick out in front of him. "When holding a sword in battle, you must have the proper position. Your legs spread out to disperse the weight and keep you grounded", he started as Dark Choco Cookie tried to copy his father.

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