An Evil Cookie Hang-out

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This is a tickle-interaction between Red Velvet Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Poison Mushroom Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

In a little room in their lair, four cookies sat on the floor. These four cookies were Red Velvet Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Poison Mushroom Cookie, members of the 'Cookies of Darkness' that followed the glorious Dark Enchantress Cookie. They planned to engulf Earthbread in a veil of darkness. However, despite being members, there was clearly one cookie that ran the whole show.

Pomegranate Cookie.

She could be stern, strict, maybe even a little smug at times. And, above all, she acted like the boss of their little group until the day Dark Enchantress Cookie would be revived. She called them out on their incompetence, their failures and their weaknesses. Currently, Pomegranate Cookie gave the four cookies what they would consider a lecture about how they failed to complete their missions. She told them to stay out of the way while she completed their missions for them, claiming them to be 'clearly too weak to do simple tasks and not loyal enough to their master's cause'.

They all were sent to this room, now bored out of their minds and aggravated. "It's not fair!", Licorice Cookie suddenly shouted out. "Why does that stinking Pomegranate Cookie have to sit on her high horse giving me silly lectures?! I am an EVIL dark sorcerer who should at no circumstances be talked down to!", he exclaimed as he stomped around. Red Velvet and Dark Choco Cookie only rolled their eyes as Poison Mushroom Cookie looked up at the cookie.

"Awwww...Don't be sad Licorice Cookie...", Poison Mushroom Cookie said in his slow, tired, but happy voice. "Look on the bright side! You get to relax now...", he said with a smile. "RELAX?! There's no TIME for relaxing! Not when our master's dark awakening is on the horizon and I'm sitting here doing absolutely nothing! I should be out there, unleashing my servants to wreak havoc! It's not my fault those dumb goody-two-shoes cookies got in my way!", Licorice Cookie exclaimed.

Red Velvet Cookie groaned. "Maybe if you were a little smarter, those cookies wouldn't always beat you", he said simply as Licorice Cookie gasped. "What did you say to me?! They don't ALWAYS beat me!", he exclaimed as Poison Mushroom Cookie waved his arms. "Hey...No fighting guys...", he muttered as the two cookies looked at him. They both huffed as Licorice Cookie sat back down on the floor and thus, the silence game began again.

Poison Mushroom Cookie blinked and started to think. How could he lighten up the mood? He didn't like his teammates to be upset! He gasped and smiled innocently as he remembered something about Licorice Cookie. He did say never to tell the other cookies about it, but this was an emergency cheer-up situation! He tapped Licorice's shoulder, making the cookie look at him.

"What is it Poison MushrOHOHOOM?!"

Dark Choco Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie jumped at the sudden noise. They looked over to see Poison Mushroom Cookie poking at Licorice Cookie's sides and him being a squealy mess. "Eheheh..! Tickle tickle Licorice..~", Poison Mushroom Cookie teased as his Lee let out some high-pitched cackles. "NAHAHAO! YOHOHOU LIHIHITTLE-! EHEHEHEEK! CUHUHUT IHIT OHOHOUT!", he exclaimed as he kicked his legs a bit.

"Naaah! I'm here to make you happy...and tickles make you super happy..!", Poison Mushroom Cookie said with a happy smile as he started to squeeze Licorice Cookie's hips, making him squeal and laugh louder. "NAHAHAO THEHEY DOHOHON'T! AHAHA! IHIHI KIHIHIHILL YOHOHOHOU!", Licorice Cookie cackled out. "So? Why don't you do it?~", Red Velvet Cookie said with a smirk.

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