A Tickly Punishment (Pt. 2)

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This is a tickle-interaction between Mango Cookie, Dino-Sour Cookie and Ananas Dragon Cookie! Hope you enjoy!

Requested by: @87ari08
(This is the second part of Part 2 of 'Defeating a Dragon through Laughter'!)

Dino-Sour Cookie hid behind a giant pineapple structure, hearing Milk Cookie's laughter in the background. He was still trying to process all of this. This was so silly and dumb! Yet so terrifying! But...in an exciting way?? He was unsure what to think or feel about the situation, but any thoughts he had came to a stop as he heard...silence. Then a sound of wings flapping towards the room he was in. Oh crud.

He tried to curl up and make himself practically invisible from the dragon. Then he heard it. The sound of footsteps. He covered his mouth, trying to stay silent. "Oh little cookie...~", a teasy voice rang through the room. "Come on out! I promise I don't bite~", it said again. Dino-Sour Cookie shuttered at the voice. He looked down at his Jelly-Saur who seemed unsure on what was happening. It peeked around their hiding spot and looked at Ananas Dragon Cookie. It smiled a bit before trying to run towards them before Dino-Sour Cookie gasped quietly.

"Jelly no-!", he hissed as he tried to grab it, but failed. The Jelly-Saur ran across the room and looked around curiously. Dino-Sour Cookie peeked from his spot. He didn't hear anything, so, as quickly and quietly as he possibly could, he ran out of his hiding spot and scooped up the Jelly-Saur. "Buddy! You can't do that! We're going to get caught-!", he whispered. "Oh trust me...You're already caught~", a voice said as Dino-Sour Cookie blinked. He looked up and tensed at Ananas Dragon Cookie on top of another tall pineapple structure.


"AAA! Book it Jelly!", he said as his Jelly-Saur turned big. The cookie immediately hopped on and ran off. "A rider of dinosaurs? Amusing~", they said before swiftly flying off after the cookie. "Faster! They're gaining on us!", Dino-Sour Cookie exclaimed as the Jelly-Saur continued running, though it wasn't entirely sure what for. "It doesn't matter how fast you go! I'm still going to get'cha~", Ananas Dragon Cookie teased. Dino-Sour Cookie shivered a bit from the teases as he continued to ride his Jelly-Saur away.

However, the nest was big. Like incredibly big. And it was almost like a maze. Dino-Sour Cookie wasn't sure where to go. All he knew was that he need to keep running. Maybe this cookie would get tired soon! They kept up the chase until...a dead end. "What?! How?! Come on Jelly! We have to-!", he started as they turned out to see the menacing cookie behind them. "Oh no...", he said as his Jelly-Saur turned small again. What bad timing. "Awwww...Did you really think you could escape from me little one?~"

"K-Kinda..", Dino-Sour Cookie said as he backed up slowly. Ananas Dragon Cookie smirked a bit at the little cookie's "fear" and wiggled their fingers. "Don't try to fight it, little cookie~", they said simply as Dino-Sour Cookie's back pressed against the wall. Should he try to make a run for it? No, he wouldn't get past the dragon in time...Curl in a ball? No, he didn't have much faith in that plan. Guess there really wasn't a way out of this. Amongst his thinking though, he was grabbed by the dragon, letting out a yelp of surprise and giggling nervously.

"Any last words?~"

"P-Pleheahase dohon't.."

"Hmmm...But last time I checked...you must be punished~", they said before suddenly tickling up and down Dino-Sour Cookie's sides. The reaction was almost immediate. "WAHAHAHAHAIT! AHAHA! STOHOHOHOP!", he exclaimed as he squirmed around, kicking his legs a bit. "Stop? But your punishment has only just begun~", Ananas Dragon Cookie teased as they continued to skitter their fingers up and down.

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