I Demand Acorn Jellies

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(Trying out a new way to write this little description)
Pairing: Herb Cookie (Ler), Pancake Cookie (Lee)

Plot: Pancake Cookie ran out of Acorn Jellies, so he had asked Herb Cookie grow him some more! However, he's impatient and wants the trees to be grown now. So after a bit of fussing, Herb Cookie decides to calm Pancake down

Requested by: @Mamboo07

A hungry Pancake Cookie soared through the skies, looking down on the forest below. He was looking for acorn jellies, his favorite type of jelly in all of Earthbread. However, he was having no luck as usual. He grew impatient of looking and glided back to the kingdom to go find Herb Cookie. You see, Pancake Cookie had asked Herb Cookie to grow him some acorn jelly trees a while back! However, he was, as stated before, impatient and didn't understand that it would take a while for the saplings to grow.

He looked around before seeing Herb Cookie tending to his plants in his terrace. He immediately zoomed down before shouting "LOOK OUT BELOOOOW!" Herb Cookie blinked at the noise and looked up before immediately getting hit by Pancake Cookie, both of them then falling down onto the ground. "Owww...", Pancake Cookie groaned as he curled up a bit. "O-Oh dear! Panacake, are you alright?!", Herb Cookie said worriedly as he sat up and looked at the small cookie.

Pancake Cookie giggled a bit and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah I'm fine! I just came to check up on the Acorn Jellies! Have they grown yet?! I'm sooo hungry!", he said as he immediate stood up and looked around the terrace. Herb Cookie sighed a bit and smiled as he picked himself up. "Pancake Cookie, you asked this already just yesterday. It takes a while for saplings to grow. You're gonna have to wait a few weeks or so", he said with a slight chuckle as he patted Pancake Cookie's head.

"But I want them nooow!", the little cookie exclaimed as he stomped his foot. His stomach rumbled as he sank to the floor in defeat. "Can't you do anything to make them grow faster?", he asked as Herb Cookie shook his head. "Sorry Pancake, but there's nothing I can do. Growing plants means you need to have patience. They take a lot of time and care", he said. He then saw Pancake Cookie look through a gardening book that he had on the table. He flipped through the pages, skimming the book.

"There's just gotta be SOMETHING that can make them grow faster!", he said with a slight grumble. When Pancake Cookie was impatient, he was hard to talk to. Combine that with hunger and you would never get through to him until he was satisfied. Herb Cookie picked up Pancake Cookie and smiled. "Why don't we go eat some bear-jelly burgers at the Jampie Diner? I'll pay for them!", he said, trying to get his mind off the trees.

"No! I want acorn jellies! Not some silly burger!", the younger cookie said as he puffed up his cheeks and crossed his arms. Herb Cookie blinked. "I understand Pancake Cookie, but-", he tried to say before being cut off. "No buts! I want them now! Now now now!", he exclaimed. Herb Cookie sighed. Pancake Cookie wasn't going to listen to him and, as much as he hated to even think it, it was getting a bit annoying. He thought about a way to calm Pancake Cookie down before an idea popped into his head.

"Pancake Cookie, if you don't settle down, I'm going to have to send the tickle monster after you~", he said with a slight tease in his voice. "But I want them n-! W-Wait what-?!", the little cookie exclaimed, taking a bit to process what Herb Cookie had said. He had processed it a bit too late, however, as the bigger cookie scooped Pancake Cookie up in his arms. "The tickle monster! He just loves feasting on impatient little cookies like you!~", he teased once again as he started to poke and prod at Pancake Cookie's belly.

"EHEHEEP! Ehehehehe! N-Nohohohoho! HEHERB COHOHOOKIE!", he squealed out as the older cookie simply chuckled. "Herb Cookie? Who's Herb Cookie? There's only the tickle monster now!~", he teased as he started to skitter his fingers up and down Pancake Cookie's tummy. The little cookie squeaked and squirmed around, kicking his legs slightly as he tried to cover his face. "PLEHEHAHASE! IHIHI'M SOHOHOHOHORRY!", he laughed out. Herb Cookie simply chuckled before blowing a big raspberry on his belly.

"Sorry Pancakey, but I don't think you're really sorry yet!~", he said before blowing another, causing Pancake Cookie to squeal loudly. Anyone nearby would probably think someone was being murdered. "NEHEHE! AHAHAHAHAHA! I-I-IHIHI AHAHAM! IHIHI REHEHEAHAHALLY AHAHAM!", he cackled out as he tried to push Herb Cookie's head away from his belly. "Hmmmm...Fine; but only if you promise to be patient!~", he said, blowing another to make the poor cookie shriek.

"BUHUHUHUT IHIHI'M HUHUHUNGREEEEE! WAHAHAHAIT NAHAHAHA!", Pancake Cookie squealed after receiving a bunch of raspberries. Herb Cookie smirked as he sat down, Pancake Cookie laying on his lap. He then gently grabbed Pancake Cookie's foot with one hand, using his thumb to tickle up and down his sole. He then used his other hand to squeeze and tickle his tummy. "Then it's more tickles for you!~", Herb Cookie teased as he watched Pancake Cookie laugh his head off.

"NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE! NAHAHAHAT MY FOHOHOHOOT-! EHEHEHEEK! STAHAHAHAP SQUEHEHEEZING-! HEHEHEHERB!", he shrieked out as he thrashed around. "I told you! Herb Cookie isn't here! It's just the tickle monster! And this monster won't stop until you promise to be patient little one!~"; Herb Cookie giggled out as he continued his tickly attack. At this point, Pancake Cookie was going to die of laughter! What a way to go.

"EHEHEHEEK! PLEHEHEAHAHASE! IHIHI PROHOHOHOMISE! IHIHI PROHOHOHOHOMISE!", he exclaimed as he covered his face. Herb Cookie smiled as he then stopped the tickles, allowing the poor cookie to catch his breath. He curled up to the older cookie, still giggling from the ghost tickles. "Eheheh...Yohou're evihil..", Pancake Cookie said as Herb Cookie snickered and patted the smaller cookie's head. "Now, why don't we go get some bear-jelly burgers?", he said as Pancake Cookie jumped up.

"It's not acorn jellies, but it'll have to do!"

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