Chapter 4

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Third Person POV

Prince Cassius was sitting in the study, trying to read but really only thinking of her. Who was she? Why did he feel drawn to her? He had plenty on his mind without dealing with an aggressive woman who was a complete stranger. But something about the look in her eyes when she had woken up . . . there was something so real about her. Something natural that he craved. The artificiality he was surrounded by daily in the castle was driving him mad. He stood up from the desk and began pacing. She must have woken up by now. She had been asleep for hours. Maybe he should check on her.

No, he scolded himself. He was a prince of Peria. He had a reputation of being stone-faced and uninterested in trivial affairs. He intended to keep it that way. He wouldn't be reduced to some sniveling lovestruck child. Besides, the maid was with her. Emalina was a gossip, but she was very good at tending to people. She could bandage him up better than a medic when he had injuries from combat training.

Prince Cassius sat back down at his desk, more focused now. He continued to study military strategy when he heard a timid knock on his door. Emalina entered with a platter of different foods.

"I'm not hungry," he said curtly.

"Your highness, if I may? The food is for the new girl. I thought I could accompany you to the room with the tray."

He raised his head to look at her. "She's awake?" he asked.

"She's awake," Emalina responded.

He stood quickly, irritated that that he hadn't been informed immediately. "I thought I said to send a guard to get me immediately when she woke up," he said, his voice quiet but angry.

"I'm sorry sir," Emalina bowed, "She just seemed so weak and hungry. I wanted to bring her food as soon as possible. It will help her recover from the hypothermia."

"Did you at least leave a guard with her?"

"There's one outside her door . . . " Emalina said hesitantly.

"So she's up there alone, probably panicking, with no one watching her," the prince said in a dangerous tone.

"I'm sorry your highness," Emalina said softly, bowing her head. "It's only been a few minutes."

The prince stared at her for a moment. "Lead the way," he finally said evenly. "Waiting here won't make the situation any better."

"Yes sir," Emalina responded, her eyes still staring at the floor.

The prince followed Emalina down a long hallway, then up a few flights of stairs. They then walked down another hallway towards the East wing of the castle. Finally, they reached the guest bedroom near the doctor's chambers.

"Here you are, your highness," Emalina said, unlocking the door.

Prince Cassius entered first, followed by his maid. "Where is she?" he asked Emalina.

Emalina's eyes widened. "Your highness . . . I . . . she was . . . " Emalina stuttered.

"Where. Is. She?" Prince Cassius repeated dangerously, his eyes narrowing.

"I swear she was here when I left. She could barely sit up. I don't know where she could have gone."

The Prince continued searching the room, checking under the bed and in the closets.

"Your highness?" Emalina said nervously.


Emalina held up her fingers. "The windowsill is wet. I think she may have gone out the window."

"What?" the Prince asked, running over and flinging open the window. To his relief, he did not see her body lying on the ground below.

"You were never supposed to leave her alone! You were supposed to flag down a guard to send for me!" Prince Cassius scolded the maid angrily.

Emalina shrunk against the wall. "I'm sorry your highness. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry." Emalina began to sob.

"I'll deal with you later," the Prince said to Emalina curtly.

He went outside the bedroom and turned to the guard standing outside. "Gather together some other guards and have them start searching the grounds. She couldn't have gotten far in her state." He then left to look himself, leaving Emalina with tears still streaming down her face.

The Prince turned sharply and ran downstairs and outside the castle, ripping a cloak from the chamber before the door and hastily throwing it over his shoulders. He found the window he left open and traced a line down to the ground, where he noticed an imprint. She must have fallen, he thought.

He followed marks to the old oak tree on the perimeter of the grounds, where he saw a broken branch. A trail of indents extended from the tree into the woods.

Prince Cassius followed the trail until he saw her. Lifeless, once again. This time, her clothes were soaked from the storm. He ran to her and put his head next to her face and his fingers on her wrist. She had a pulse and was still breathing.

Prince Cassius scooped her up gently, wrapped her in the cloak he was wearing, and began walking swiftly back to the castle.

"Why do you run from me?" he whispered.

She nuzzled her face into his chest and he felt something he couldn't describe. How did this woman, who clearly wanted nothing to do with him, have any effect on him?

"Emalina," she whimpered.

"What?" he asked.

"Emalina . . . " she whispered before trailing off.

His heart filled with anger. Why did she call his maid's name? This would never have happened if he had been summoned immediately per his directions. It didn't matter, he realized. Somehow she had a bond with his maid, and maybe if he honored that she would grow to trust him more. Besides, someone had to get her out of her wet clothes and warmed up, and she clearly wouldn't be comfortable with him doing that. And even if Emalina messed up, she had been a loyal servant of his for over ten years, never trying to seduce him the way other castle maids were prone to. He admired her work ethic and her attitude, and he knew he could never fire her, despite all that had happened today.

The prince crossed the threshold into the castle where Emalina was anxiously pacing.

"You found her!" Emalina exclaimed.

"You need to start treating her immediately. Strip her down, dry her, and cover her with warm blankets. We'll worry about the leg later."

"Sir . . . " Emalina began.

Prince Cassius interrupted. "Do as I say! We'll talk about your conduct once she is stable."

The Prince and Emalina walked to the nearest bedroom where he laid the mystery woman's body on a bed.

"I'll have some guards bring you towels" Prince Cassius said. Emalina stood staring at him. "Now" he barked.

Emalina immediately began stripping the woman. She noticed the Prince leaving. "You're not going to stay?" she asked. The Prince shook his head and left without saying a word.

Emalina continued to undo the lacing on the girl's overdress. She gently removed the top layer, revealing a simple, equally-soaked layer underneath. Gently, she peeled off the damp fabric clinging to the woman's body, being extremely careful not to move her clearly damaged leg. As she removed the dress, she noticed multiple scars. This, along with the cuff marks around her ankles suggested she was a slave.

Emalina lifted the girl's shoulders so that she could fully remove the bottom layer of clothing. As soon as she could see the bare skin on the girl's back, she gasped. A constellation of tan lines covered her back forming beautiful, intricate patterns.

"She's marked," Emalina whispered.

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