Chapter 18

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Third Person POV

The rest of the evening was fairly uneventful. The two had engaged in light conversation as they ate their dinner. Prince Cassius could tell that Safania was still upset about how she had been treated, but she kept it to herself. He hoped his words had gotten through to her. She was under his control, but that didn't mean he was going to do something terrible to her. He supposed as a slave, she must assume that those in control would always hurt those underneath them. It would be difficult to break that assumption.

Instead of focusing on that, he thought about how she had reacted when he had traced her collarbone with his fingers and brushed against her cheek. She may act like she wanted nothing to do with him, but he saw how she responded to his touch. He saw her breathing change, saw her nipples harden under her thin dress. As much as she tried to assert her independence, she appeared to be just as incapable of controlling her body's reaction to him as he was at controlling his body's reaction to her. He imagined lifting her out of her chair and pushing her onto the table, shoving all the food to the side. The glasses would break, the platters would crash to the ground, the grapes would roll on the floor. But he wouldn't care – there was a more important hunger he needed to satisfy. He thought about kissing her. But not chaste, restrained pecks. Deep and passionate kisses, leaving them both gasping for air.

"Your highness?"

Safania's voice snapped him out of his daydream.

"Yes?" he asked.

"It's just...I thought you said you had a meeting tonight."

He looked at the clock. He was already late.

"I will see you tomorrow," he told her, as he rose to leave after their meal.

"Yes your highness," she said, bowing her head.

"Good night," he said, leaving her at the table.

"Good night," she replied softly.

Prince Cassius left the dining room. "She's finished," he told Emalina as he passed her in the hall.

Emalina curtseyed. "I will tend to her your highness."

The prince didn't respond, just continued to walk down the hall. Going from meeting to training to ball to meeting had become fairly monotonous. His life had certainly become much more interesting with Safania in it.

Prince Cassius climbed a set of stairs, reaching a small room in the middle of the castle. He opened the doors and entered. His two brothers, the King, and three advisors were already present, seated around a table with maps and documents strewn across it.

"Prince Cassius," Advisor Melli said warmly. "We were starting to worry you wouldn't show."

"Probably too occupied with his new whore," Orphasius, the youngest prince, said mockingly.

"You would know all about that, wouldn't you?" Cassius retorted.

"I would never let a woman interfere with my work brother," Orphasius replied, still smirking. "I get enough on a regular basis that I don't get distracted by a pair of open legs."

"How is she? She looks Southern. I heard Southern women will let you do pretty much anything in bed. I could see how that would be distracting, especially when you live like a monk," Alterius, the oldest prince, asked, joining Orphasius.

"Boys, leave your brother alone. You two only showed up a few minutes ago yourselves," the King said. The two fell silent, but Orphasius continued to smirk at Cassius.

"Now that you're all here, we have a few matters to discuss. The first is that the Kingdom of Irado is continuing to build up their army," the King said.

"You think they're building it up to attack us?" Alterius asked.

"Well I certainly think they're planning something. And I don't trust them to tell us what it is." The King turned to Cassius.

"How are your troops in the Western Fort?"

"Ready to fight father," Cassius replied. "I admit I have not visited them recently, but my commanders tell me they have become a well-trained, strong force. They have been facing some skirmishes with Abree, but if they needed to be relocated we could make do with a skeleton crew."

"Skirmishes?" the King repeated.

"Yes father. Not much more than a mere nuisance. Abree wants control of the port. Their people are starving, driving them to desperation, leading them to fight. But they lack the organization to order any type of coordinated attack. They are not a threat."

"Push them back," the King ordered. "I don't care that they're not a threat, they need to learn that their childish games will cost them more than they're willing to pay. Take a few of their border villages, threaten to take more if they don't leave us alone. That way when we need your troops here, we won't have to worry about Abree."

"Of course father," Cassius replied.

"What about the Southern Tribes, Orphasius?" the King asked.

"Negotiating has...reached a standstill," Orphasius responded.


"They're savages father, do we really need them anyway?"

"What did you do?" the King asked sternly.

"I may have slept with Chief Ragor's daughter...daughters."

"You idiot boy," the King replied.

"How the hell was I supposed to know who they were?" Orphasius asked angrily.

"If the two women came onto him, your grace, how was he to know?" Advisor Melli interjected.

"Well...they didn't come onto me per se," Orphasius said, mumbling.

"Orphasius, you didn't," the King said in a low voice.

"They were just two savage girls! Two beautiful savage girls. Just prancing along the beach. It was a challenge. I've never tried to grab two at once."

"And you call them the savages," Cassius said shaking his head.

"Then they went crying to daddy, and next thing I know I'm being threatened and forced to leave! All because of the honor of his daughters. Please. Like those savage women have any honor to speak of."

"Get out," the King said angrily.

"What, like you have never stuck your cock where it didn't belong father?" Orphasius challenged.

"We are supposed to be trying to end wars, not start them! Get out!" the King roared.

Orphasius frowned, stood up angrily from the table, and skulked off.

"Melli, please send our most sincere apologies to Chief Ragor. Make it clear that we accept fault, but also remind him that attacking us would be ill-advised, and it's still in our best interest to work together. Hopefully we can smooth over this setback," the King instructed his advisor. Melli nodded while taking notes.

"And what about you Alterius?" the King asked.

"My men in the East remain ready to fight," Alterius replied.

"Well at least I can count on you two. How is Celine?" the King asked.

Alterius smiled. "Wonderful. With God's blessing, she will bring a healthy baby boy into this world in only a few more months."

"I'm thrilled to hear it," the King replied. "And Cassius? Have you given any more thought to any of the Lords' proposals? You have quite a few offers for a marriage of your own."

"I am still thinking on the matter," Cassius replied simply.

"Well you should decide quickly. These men can't be expected to keep their daughters waiting for you forever."

Cassius nodded.

"Alright my boys, that's it for tonight. I will see you at our next meeting. Sleep well," the King said, dismissing them.

"Have fun tonight," Alterius whispered to Cassius on his way out. Cassius ignored him as he walked back to his part of the castle.

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