Chapter 35

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Third Person POV

Prince Cassius entered the Council room. His brothers, the King, and Advisor Melli were all already there, sitting around the large table. They fell silent at the sight of him.

"Welcome back son!" the King said happily upon seeing Cassius.

"Father," Cassius said, bowing his head. He took his seat next to Orphasius, who was picking at a loose splinter of wood in the table. Orphasius gave him a smirk, and then returned to picking.

"Well there's no use in pleasantries. I think we're all extremely curious to know how your trip went," King Theodore asked.

"Better than we could have even hoped," Cassius answered. "We're expecting at least a thousand men to sign up to join our military - five hundred already have. None of the nobles protested their demotions. We didn't have to execute anyone. And the women and children are so grateful they have started sending homemade goods to the soldiers stationed at the fort. Breads, blankets, clothing... We have some military supplies we need to ship out this afternoon, but with the village's support we can likely cut back on the food and certain supplies we've been sending."

"Fascinating," the King said, astonished. "And you believe you could replicate this result in other villages?"

"It would depend on the village," Cassius responded. "The closer you get to the heart of an empire, the more loyalists you're bound to find. But as far as border towns? I strongly recommend we adopt this strategy going forward until Abree realizes their raiding excursions aren't worth the cost."

"Thank you for your proposal. Any thoughts?"

"Your majesty, I have to strongly disagree," Melli said immediately. "We have no reason to believe this is more than a fluke, or that this peace will even last. Adopting this proposal is extraordinarily risky. Especially given the fact that we are preparing for war with Irado. We can't be fighting on multiple fronts."

"Father, this is a way to add soldiers to your army. That's exactly what we need to do in preparation for war," Cassius urged.

"We can add soldiers to your army regardless," Melli responded.

"Soldiers being forced to fight, not soldiers choosing to fight," Cassius explained.

"Do you think Irado is asking people to pretty please join their army Cassius?" Melli snapped. "Of course they aren't! And a soldier is a soldier. An army with 300 men is stronger than one with 200. It's simple math."

"If we use our enemy's morality as a substitute for our own, we're no better than they are," Cassius said firmly. "And you're wrong. A soldier fighting for something he believes in is stronger than one who fights out of fear or obligation. We want our military to want to fight Irado. Not because they have to, because they want to."

"Enough," the King interjected. "Orphasius, what do you think?"

Orphasius continued to pick at the corner of the table. "I have no thoughts on the matter father," he replied without looking up.

The King sighed. "What about you Alterius?"

Alterius looked at Melli and Cassius thoughtfully.

"I suppose I don't see the harm in trying Cassius's strategy in another border town," he said finally. "But perhaps we need more evidence it works before we adopt it altogether."

Cassius was slightly surprised at his brother's response, but he knew Alterius was posturing to take over as the King. He had a reputation for being ruthless, so taking a reasonable, middle-of-the-road approach helped make him look like a good option. He was extremely cunning, and he would do or say whatever it took to get him the power he so desperately craved.

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