Chapter 69

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My beloved Cassius,

I don't even know where to begin. I miss you terribly. This time has been more difficult for me than any other time we've been apart. I am so relieved I have a way to contact you now, thanks to my mother. Hopefully this will make it more bearable.

I won't say too much in this letter on the slight chance it doesn't reach you, but just know I am working very hard for us to be reunited. Have the soldiers from Abree arrived? How are Emalina, Alton, and Ari? What did you tell people about me not returning with you?

I love you more than words,


P.S. If you want to write back, just give your letter to the bird. She knows what to do.


Dearest Safania,

If I want to write back? What kind of a statement is that? You are my world, and any chance I have to tell you how much you mean to me I will gladly take. I have to admit that I'm more than a little surprised that your mother is assisting us in communicating with each other...I got the impression she didn't care for me (to put it mildly).

The soldiers continue to arrive in waves. They are very inexperienced, but eager to learn. Emalina misses you terribly, but is settling in well with the other women at the fort. She's honestly something of a celebrity here. Alton has been extremely helpful, and Ari is doing very well in his new role as general.

How is your training? Do you know when you will be ready to come back? Can you visit?

All my love,



My beloved Cassius,

I have to be honest, my mother is less than thrilled with our relationship. That being said, she does truly care for me, and I've been very clear about how I feel about you. So even though she doesn't necessarily support us, she supports me. I suppose that's enough for now.

Training is going well...but it will take longer than normal for reasons I can explain the next time we're together. I asked about visiting, but the elders denied me permission. They are convinced I need to focus on my training and that you're a distraction...they're not wrong. I find you extremely distracting even when you're not around me. They told me to ask again in a month, which I think means that if I'm not done by then they'll at least let me visit. I sure hope so – I need to see you.

Forever yours,



Dearest Safania,

Do you think training is going to take longer than a month? I'm not going to lie Saf, I'm going crazy missing you. It's already been two weeks and that's two weeks too long. I know you have to do this, it's just miserable (though I'm sure I don't have to tell you that).

I likewise find you extremely distracting. But you're worth the loss of focus. I can't stop thinking about you – every inch of your delicious body. I hope you aren't expecting to greet Emalina, Alton, and Ari right away once you finally get to the fort, because there is no way I am going to be able to keep my hands off you. We have some urgent business to attend to...

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