Chapter 20

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Safania's POV

The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache. I grabbed my crutches and hobbled to the bathroom, where I proceeded to heave out the prior evening's dinner.

"My lady!" Emalina exclaimed as she entered the room and found me in my hungover state.

"I don't feel well," I said pathetically.

"The prince told me you might not," she said kindly. "Let's get you some water."

She brought over a canteen. Even the water tasted sour in my mouth.

"I don't like brandy," I said bitterly.

Emalina smiled. "Let's put you back to bed, alright?"

Emalina helped me back into bed, gave me another sip of water, and went to sit in the corner of the room.

"I'm sorry Emalina," I said.

"Don't be sorry," she said cheerfully. "This gives me time to work on my embroidery." She grabbed an embroidery hoop I hadn't noticed from the corner of the room and sat down at the table to stitch. I watched her for a few moments, then drifted into a restless sleep.

When I awoke, I noticed that Emalina was no longer at the table. Instead, it was Prince Cassius.

"I'm afraid I gave you too much to drink last night," he said, after seeing I was awake.

I didn't respond.

"What I gave you to help ease your pain ended up causing you more pain. I am truly sorry. I talked to Avus and he has restricted me from trying to heal you myself again. He brought some willow bark to chew. It can cause stomach problems, so you should do it after you eat, but apparently it works wonders."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?" the Prince asked, looking confused.

"My name - it means willow. It's just a funny coincidence."

"I see," Prince Cassius responded. He grabbed a plate and put it in front of me. I propped myself up in my bed and cautiously took a bite of eggs. Not only was my stomach surprisingly calm, but I was ravenously hungry.

"I'm sorry too," I said between bites of food.

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry for what I said. It wasn't my place. I apologize."

"You're not wrong," the prince admitted, sitting next to me on my bed. "My father is putting a lot of pressure on me to get married. But whenever I hear the lords talk about their daughters or see portraits of my potential mates...all I can think about is what kind of life I'm sentencing them to."

I looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

"My father's wives all died. Which was fine for him, he was never that attached to any of them. When you're royal, people are constantly looking for your weaknesses. And wives are typically a way to get to the person you want to control. My brothers don't care about the women they're with either. But...I don't know. I just can't imagine taking a wife I don't respect and care about. Alterius married purely to solidify his claim to the throne, and now they're both miserable. Which, fine in the short run I suppose - Alterius has a solid claim to the throne and both of them are trying to produce heirs. But she's going to raise those heirs. And they're going to be cruel and manipulative just like her."

Cassius walked towards the window. "I don't want to be miserable. I want a wife that I trust with my life. Someone I know will raise my children to be good people. Because even if I were to be the best king that ever lived, if my children are horrific monsters that rule after me and undo everything I've done, what does it matter? But if I care about my wife, if I care about my children..."

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