Chapter 76

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This chapter contains violence and references to sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised.

Third Person POV

Emalina watched the clearing with Ari, just as they had for the past two days.

"She's not going to come," Ari said bitterly. Ever since he had woken up, he had been pushing to storm the castle, rescue Safania, kill Alterius, and burn the castle to the ground. Emalina and Alton agreed with the sentiment but had thankfully managed to convince him that they needed a plan.

"Give her time," Emalina said. "She will."

"It's already been nearly a week," Ari said anxiously.

"I know...but we can't rescue her if we don't know where she is or how to even get into the castle."

"Maybe Alton was right. We should have tried to find the other marked women again."

"You said you sent a message to the fort for back-up a few days ago," Emalina responded. "They should be here soon."

"Not many," Ari replied. "Only five people I knew I could trust. And they might not even make it into the city. The only thing going for us is that they'll blend in with the people coming for the coronation."

Something clicked in Emalina's head. "The coronation...that's the perfect time. We know Alterius will be distracted. There won't be as many guards. We have to do it then."

"That's over a week away," Ari replied.

"I know," Emalina said sadly. "I don't want to wait that long. But I think it's our best shot."

The sound of footsteps crunching in the snow startled them.

"Look," Emalina said, pointing to the clearing.

A woman in a brown cloak approached the clearing. She pulled down the hood, revealing an elaborate, blond updo, and looked around.

"It's Celine," Emalina exclaimed.

Ari scanned the area. "It looks like she came alone. But I'll scout out the perimeter. If I tell you to run, run."

Emalina nodded. She left the cover of the trees and bushes to approach Celine.

"Your majesty," she said. "You came."

Celine spun around to face Emalina. "Only to tell you that you need to get out of here."

"You know I can't leave her."

Celine sighed. "Why in the world do you think I would help you? I'm finally exactly where I worked to be, and I sacrificed a lot to get here. Not to mention that helping Safania escape would give Alterius a great reason to execute me. And I know he's been looking for one. He just doesn't want to lose my military's support."

"Safania helped you when no one else did," Emalina responded, uncharacteristically firm. "She was there for you when no one else was. She's probably been nicer to you than Prince Alterius ever has been. She deserves better than this."

Celine sighed. "Even if all that was true, what could I possibly do?"

"Just tell us where they're keeping her. And get us into the coronation."

"I have no idea where they're keeping her," Celine replied. "And I can get you into the coronation, but all of the guards are looking for you. They'll discover you immediately."

"Let us figure out the details of how we're going to stay hidden. You don't know where she is, but you could find out...couldn't you?"

"If I find out and she escapes, Alterius is going to know I had something to do with it."

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