Chapter 80

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Third Person POV

The group walked until nightfall, and then proceeded to set up camp. One of the soldiers laid Safania down in a tent, while Liasa and Ari worked together to make a fire.

"What's wrong?" Alton asked Emalina as the group gathered around the small campfire.

"I'm scared they're going to find us," she replied, looking worriedly into the flame.

"They're at least a day behind us," Alton replied. "We made it to Abree way ahead of schedule, and there's no guarantee they'll figure out we went there anyway."

Emalina nodded. "You're right...I just worry. They can't get her again."

Alton took Emalina's hand. "We're safe Em. And as soon as we find her mother, then we'll be even safer."

The two snuggled up together next to the campfire.

"How are you feeling?" Ari asked Liasa. "About Melli."

Liasa shrugged. "I had hoped I would be the one to kill him, so I thought I would be disappointed...but in all honesty, I am just happy he is dead." She looked up at the night sky. "I really hate men," she murmured.

Her eyes grew wide and she covered her mouth, realizing she had said the words aloud. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

Ari laughed. "There's no need to apologize."

The group watched the crackling fire grow lower and lower.

"I have a question," one of the soldiers asked, breaking the silence. The group looked at him. "I was just we know why Lady Safania did what she did with the waves? I'm just thinking...maybe we should be concerned that it might happen again."

The group looked at each other. "I don't know what set it off," Emalina said. "But she stopped when she realized she was hurting me..."

"I think it doesn't do much good to speculate," Ari said. "We just need to get her to the camp as soon as possible. They'll know more than we will."

Alton nodded, looking at the tent where Safania was sleeping. "We should rest then. We have a long day of travel ahead of us."

The group rose from the fire and retired to their tents for the evening.


Early the next morning, the group set out again. Alton and Emalina directed them along the path they had taken back from Abree over a month ago.

In the afternoon, as they walked along the cliffs, Safania began to stir. "Stop," Ari commanded. "Can you put her down?" he asked the soldier. The soldier leaned Safania against a large rock.

Slowly, Safania's eyes fluttered open. They darted around, taking in her surroundings. "Where am I?" she asked softly.

"You're between Abree and the Western Fort. We're looking for your mother," Ari replied.

Safania's eyes immediately filled with tears.

"What's wrong?" Ari asked, concerned.

"It hurts," Safania whispered.

"What hurts?"


"I've got it!" Emalina exclaimed. "Here Saffy, chew on some willow bark. This should help."

Safania looked at the bark. "Cassius...he gave me this once. When I was hungover," she said with a sad smile. "Is he really gone?" she asked Ari.

Ari nodded.

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