Chapter 85

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Third Person POV

"You're going to help us?" Cassius asked Valery, skeptically.

"Yes," Valery replied simply.


"My motivations are my motivations. As long as our goals align, what do you care?" Valery replied indifferently.

It was then that Ari arrived for the nightly strategy session. He froze as soon as he saw Valery.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Ari demanded.

"We're allies now pretty boy," Valery replied with a smirk.

"Not yet we're not," Cassius interjected. "Motivations matter. So I do care. Why do you want to help us?"

Valery smile grew wider. "I don't think you understand. You need me your highness. Not the other way around."

Cassius turned to Zamari for confirmation. "She's right," Zamari told the group. "We need her. If any of us present the proposal, it's going to look like a revenge mission."

"It is a revenge mission," Cassius and Ari both said in unison.

"They really aren't that smart, are they?" Valery said to Zamari.

"Valery-" Zamari began in a frustrated tone.

"Instead of insulting us, why don't you enlighten us about what we apparently don't understand?" Ari demanded.

Valery sighed. "Out of the hundreds of women in this camp, most of them weren't born in Eir or here. They fled for safety. Some of them fled before they were discovered. But others weren't that fortunate. Some of them suffered just like Safania did before they were rescued. The elders' mission has always been getting women to safety, not attacking the people who hurt them. If we did that, we'd have a long list of people to go after."

Cassius and Ari were silent as they processed what Valery was saying. Before they could respond, she continued.

"What the elders are going to care about is why this is different. Why we should intervene when we never have in the past. That's where I come in. I'm going to look more neutral than any of you, and I'm going to tell them that taking out Alterius so you can assume power is the best option we all have to live normal lives."

"So that's why you're helping?" Cassius asked. "You want to live a normal life?"

"No," she replied simply.

"Then why?" Ari pressed.

Valery turned to him, her ever-present smirk completely disappearing. "Because I, unlike the elders, don't care that it's a long list. I want every last motherfucker who tormented us to burn," she said, her voice chillingly cold and her expression terrifyingly determined. "If that means we start with your brother, fine. He may be the first, but he won't be the last."

Cassius and Ari glanced at each other. Valery was normally sarcastic and bitter, but this cold and calculating rage made them realize they had no clue as to the depths of her anger.

"Who do you want to go after, Valery?" Ari asked.

Valery smirked, her demeanor quickly shifting back to her normal, derisive self. "You can't just ask someone that pretty boy. Now, have I proven myself a worthy addition to your cause? Can we actually figure out what we're doing tomorrow?"

The four practiced long into the night, memorizing what they would say and preparing for any possible questions they may be asked.

By the time their candle had burned down into practically nothing, Valery yawned. "I think it's time to call it a night," she told them. "We need our rest for tomorrow morning."

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