Chapter 52

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Safania's POV

I listened intently to everything Cassius said. "So that's it then," I said, defeated.

"I can still abdicate," Cassius said glumly. "We could run away somewhere, together."

The thought was tempting...just the two of us, starting a life together somewhere free of politics, bloodlines, disapproving family members. But I could tell from Cassius's tone that he didn't want to abdicate. I didn't want him to either.

"Cassius, no," I told him sadly. "You have to be the King. With Irado building up its army...You know that whoever wins the war between Irado and Peria will rule the nine kingdoms. The rulers of Irado are evil. If you step down, we'll be faced with evil either way. And even if you run, we'll never be truly safe."

"So what do I do?" Cassius asked me, defeated.

"You marry the woman your father chooses. Become king. And know that you becoming king and defeating Irado is the best way to keep me safe. To keep everyone safe."

Cassius shook his head. "I just can't accept a future where we aren't together."

I walked over to Cassius and pulled him close to me. "Cassius...the way I feel about you I've never felt about anyone else. And I doubt I'll ever feel this way again. But at least I have the memory. No matter how far apart we are, that's something no one can take from us. And with the life I've led, the pain I've felt...maybe that's enough for me."

"It's not enough for me."

I kissed him, slowly, tenderly. "It's going to have to be," I said sadly.

"Please stay," he pleaded. "I will give you anything, everything if you just stay here with me."

I smiled sadly. "You can't give me everything, Cassius."

"Please stay," he repeated, begging.

I shook my head. "Don't ask that of me Cassius. Watching you go everywhere with another woman, seeing her get pregnant and give birth to your children...please don't ask me to put myself through that."

"Can you at least stay until the Oske tournament?" he asked.

"What is that?"

"It's a tournament in two weeks. At the end of the year, men throughout Peria sign up and fight in a tournament until only one remains. The victor at the end is permitted to ask the king a single request, which the king must grant as long as the request is reasonable. One year the winner asked my father to give up his best medic to their village."

"And he did?"

"He did. Everyone takes Oske very seriously, especially my father."

Cassius took my hand. "Please. At least let me enjoy you for a little longer."

"On one condition," I responded.


"You let me train with the lieutenant that nearly beat me in the forest."

"Why? You beat him."

"Not because of skill, because I ambushed him. I don't want to spend my last two weeks moping in my room. If I'm going out on the road again, I want to be ready. And he's one of the best swordfighters I've ever seen."

Cassius looked at me, concerned. "You could get hurt."

"Not as badly as I will get hurt if I go out there unprepared."

"Alright..." Cassius agreed reluctantly. "I'll set it up. But it will have to be somewhere secluded. My father would throw a fit if he saw you training with one of Peria's soldiers. Fortunately, most people are going to be so distracted by the tournament that they won't notice you sneaking off."

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