Chapter 64

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Safania's POV

"Cassius, are you okay? Cassius, please wake up," I said frantically, checking his wrist for a pulse. Fortunately, his eyes fluttered open before I could panic any further.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, concerned.

"Yes..." Cassius answered slowly. "Actually, I feel fantastic."

"You're sure?" I asked him.

"I'm fine," he assured me. "I probably just stood up too quickly. Let's get back to the palace."

I nodded reluctantly, though I was still unconvinced. I could feel that something was off, but I didn't know what. We finished getting dressed and walked to the place where we had climbed down.

Cassius climbed up the cliff in an instant, without any hesitation. "Huh," he said at the top.

"What?" I asked as I slowly climbed after him.

"Nothing..." he replied as he helped me up. "That was just way, way easier than it should have been."

He looked at a small cottage in the distance. "Saffy, can you stay here? I want to try something."

"Okay," I said hesitantly.

Before the word had even completely left my mouth, Cassius took off running. He was nothing but a blur as he ran to the cottage and back, moving faster than I would have thought humanly possible.

Once he arrived back in front of me, he began to laugh. "This is incredible," he marveled, shaking his head in disbelief.

An obvious realization hit me. "It's true," I said to myself.


"The rumors about marked women transferring their power during sex. It's true."

"How long does it last?" Cassius asked.

I looked at him irritated. "How would I know that?"

"Right, right. That was your first time. Sorry," Cassius apologized.

"Cassius, I don't know anything about this. I don't know if it's dangerous, or permanent...this is all new to me. I'm worried," I confessed.

He held my hands. "This is obviously new to me too...but I really don't think it's dangerous. It's hard to explain. But it's like the energy is yours. And you wouldn't hurt me, so it won't hurt me."

"Then why did you pass out?"

"Maybe because I wasn't expecting it? It is a bit overwhelming – like a massive jolt of energy. But maybe if I had been prepared...I guess we'll find out next time?"

"Next time?" I asked him. "Who says there will be a next time?"

"Well from the sounds you were making earlier, you," Cassius replied with a smirk. I punched him lightly on the arm. He responded by lifting me up as if I weighed as much as a feather. 

"This is so crazy," he murmured, setting me down gently. "I wonder what else I can do..."

"We should go back," I reminded him, though I couldn't help but wonder the same thing.

Cassius nodded, the risk of our absence prompting a search party outweighing the thrill of our discovery. We held hands as we walked back together.

Once we made it back to the palace, we could see the party was still in full swing. But the orderly dancing from earlier had been replaced by a wild free-for-all. 

"Let's dance," Cassius told me, pulling me to the dancefloor. "I have so much energy right now that I don't think I can sit still."

We joined the assembled mob and began to dance. I lost track of time, moving with Cassius in perfect unison for the second time that night.

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