Chapter 13

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Safania's POV

The guard wheeled me down the hallway to an elaborate, ornate room. Different portraits hung on one wall, which was opposite another wall with many long, curtainless windows. A long table was placed in the middle, with several table settings spaced across its length. The prince sat at the end, reading something. This was the most relaxed I had seen him, yet his rigid posture and stoic face made it seem like he was ready for battle at a moment's notice.

"Safania, welcome," he said after noticing me. He rose and gestured for the guard to wheel me to a spot near his where a chair had been removed.

"Have you had a chance to relax after our chat this afternoon?" he asked me, eyeing me closely as the guard wheeled me over.

"Yes your highness," I replied.

"Good, good," he replied.

The two of us sat in awkward silence for a moment. I stared at the table, not wanting to subject myself to his unsettling stare or worse – distract myself by gawking at his unnaturally handsome face. Fortunately, the food arrived, distracting me from my discomfort.

All I could do is stare when the meal arrived. There was an array of roasted squash, pureed potatoes, slices of beef tenderloin, some type of soufflé, and some type of cooked bird . . . maybe partridge. I had never seen so much beautiful food in my life.

"You don't like it," the prince said. I suddenly became aware he was fixated on me.

"No! I just . . . I've never had food like this before. At least not since I became a slave. I usually only get table scraps," I said, my voice trailing off as I remembered the bits of meat we had to pick off already eaten bones. And that was considered a treat. I suddenly became aware of how out of my element I was.

A faint, amused smile spread across Prince Cassius's face. "Well then I hope you enjoy it. This is a pretty standard meal around here."

I took a bite of the roasted squash and closed my eyes. Heaven. It was tender, sweet but salty, and had the perfect mixture of herbs. I opened my eyes to see the prince still staring at me.

"Am I using the wrong fork or something?"

He laughed. "No, no. I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare. I was just curious to see if you liked it."

"It's incredible," I replied. "The perfect amount of salt to complement the sweetness of the winter squash . . . perfectly tender but not mushy. And I think with a hint of parsley? The chef who prepared this is clearly very talented."

"As are you I'm guessing," the prince replied.


"It usually takes talent to recognize talent. At least with the kind of analysis you just gave."

I paused. "I used to cook for my master," I replied simply. Was he looking for a place to put me? That wouldn't be so bad. I could serve him until my leg was fully healed and then run.

The prince leaned back in his chair. "Well if you ever want to cook something, just let me know. We can figure something out. Only if you want to of course," he said, taking a bite of his dinner.

"Thank you, your highness," I mumbled. So that wasn't it either. What did he want with me?

As if reading my mind, the prince looked up from his dinner. "Something on your mind?" he asked.

Did I dare ask? I wasn't sure I would like the answer. But not knowing was definitely worse than knowing.

"Your highness . . . if I may . . . I have a question," I said hesitantly.

The prince surveyed me with his piercing cerulean eyes. "What is it?" he asked.

"I just . . . I'm just wondering what you want with me," I said, immediately looking at the floor. It was a very forward question, and I didn't want the prince to think I was saying it with any attitude. Silence followed my question. I snuck a peek at the prince, who was staring at me, expressionless, but with his head cocked a bit to the side as if he were thinking.

"I don't owe you an explanation," he said finally, saying it as though he had chosen his words very carefully.

"I know your highness," I said, keeping my head bowed.

"Eat your dinner," he commanded, firm but without any real emotion behind it.

I tasted a bit of the potatoes. I could still tell it was delicious, but my nerves made it taste like cardboard. I took another piece of the squash, which also tasted like cardboard now. The entire room felt different, almost like the temperature had suddenly dropped ten degrees.

"I haven't decided yet," the prince said finally.

"Decided between what your highness?" I asked. I knew I shouldn't press my luck, but I needed to know what to expect. Out of respect though, I still avoided eye contact.

"Let's talk about something else," the prince said firmly, avoiding the question.

I nodded, but was unsatisfied with such a vague answer. I ate a few more bites very, very slowly, but then became too full to eat any more. The prince noticed I had stopped eating. "That's all you're going to eat?"

"I'm full," I replied.

"No. You're too thin. You need to eat more than that to regain your strength. To heal."

"Your highness, if you make me eat any more, I don't think I'll be able to keep it down," I told him bluntly.

"I'm going to have a talk with Avus about this," Prince Cassius said. "I don't want to make you sick, but your body needs nutrients. I'll get his opinion, and whatever he says, you will do. Understood?"

I nodded.

Prince Cassius looked at me carefully, then waved the guards over to clear our plates.

"Would you like to take a brief walk with me?" he asked. I nodded again.

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