Chapter 62

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Safania's POV

I set out early the next morning with Cassius, Alton, Emalina, and several other guards. It was a small mission, so we brought enough guards to hopefully keep us safe, but not too many that we seemed threatening. 

We travelled for three days, and Cassius said about a dozen words the entire time. He wasn't angry, just extremely stressed. I could tell by the way he paced constantly whenever we stopped travelling and how he never seemed to sleep. I wasn't really able to comfort him though, because I shared his same anxieties. There was a lot riding on the upcoming meeting with King Amal.

I was so relieved when we finally made it to Abree. Cassius had told me their kingdom was struggling, and as we walked through the capitol, I couldn't help but contrast the run-down shacks surrounding the palace to the well-manicured homes of Peria. But I also noticed the kids running and playing in the streets, villagers smiling and waving at us as we passed. They may not have much, but they seem happy, I thought to myself. It reminded me of Eir.

"Greetings," a woman dressed in a burnt orange, draped dress said to us as we arrived at the palace gates. The dress looked beautiful against her light copper skin. Having been in the North for so long, it was nice to finally see someone with a complexion that more resembled my own.

"Please follow me," she told us, taking us inside the gates and up the steps to the palace.

"The Prince can continue on with me to the King's study. His majesty is waiting for you. The rest of you can relax here, in the foyer," she said gesturing to a large open space with benches and small trees.

"I'm taking Safania with me," Cassius said firmly.

The woman raised an eyebrow but didn't protest. "Alright," she said simply. "Come with me."

She led us inside and down a hallway until we reached a set of large, golden doors. Cassius took my hand, and we entered the room together.

The King's study was massive and bright. Enormous windows let the sunlight stream in, illuminating every corner of the room.

"My guests, welcome," a man dressed in an ornate, golden robe said as he walked towards us. His Ledish was heavily accented, but I was relieved he was speaking a language I could understand.

"King Amal," Cassius replied, greeting him. Though the man was fairly young for a king - he appeared to be only slightly older than Cassius - it wasn't difficult to tell he was royal. His charismatic presence commanded attention.

After greeting Cassius, the King immediately fixated his attention on me. "And who may this be?"

"My fiancé, Safania."

King Amal tilted his head in surprise. "I wasn't aware you were engaged," he said to Cassius, while studying me, probably wondering who I was.

"It's a recent development," Cassius replied simply.

The King smiled warmly, taking my hand and kissing it. "A pleasure to meet you," he told me, his intense brown eyes boring into mine.

"An interesting choice to bring your fiancé with you to what I'm assuming is a political meeting, but I can see why you wouldn't want to leave her alone. You, my dear, are radiant," he said. I blushed in response.

"However, I'm certain this meeting will bore her to tears," the King continued. "If you wish, I could see if my wife or sister are available to show her the palace grounds. I assure you that she would be safe."

"I would prefer that she stay here," Cassius replied.

"Then Lady Safania will stay. Come, sit," King Amal said, gesturing to chairs gathered around a table.

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